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December 17th, 2012

[info]therogueslayer in [info]zombiesnet

I'm fine.

Where's Angel?

[info]andscene in [info]zombiesnet

Dimitri and Lissa

Are you guys okay? Things have been so fucking crazy around here. Tell me how I can help.

[info]worry in [info]zombiesnet


How is she? How are you?

[info]prophecyboy in [info]zombiesnet

The medical staff should be commended for their patience. Sorry we're not better patients, but we'll be out of your hair soon.

[locked to Lissa]

I don't remember much, but thank you for whatever you did to stop the internal bleeding. It's made healing up a lot easier.

[locked to Damon]

How's my dad?

[locked to Angel]

I want to see you soon.

[locked to Wes, Dimitri, Shannon, Giles and Willow]

Thank you.

[locked to Emily and Stefan]

I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect her.

[info]shinytomato in [info]zombiesnet

Most recent edition of the missing persons list, always taking updates and just need a last known location if at all possible. There is also the chance I missed someone posting on the network so will edit this as needed.

Updated Missing Persons List By Last Known Location )

[info]niblet in [info]zombiesnet

(Locked to Faith, Connor, Willow, Giles, and the other Slayers who aren't Buffy)

I see him, I'm killing him.

(Locked to Angel)

Don't come near me unless you have a death wish.

[info]magical_willow in [info]zombiesnet

[Locked to Faith]

Are you okay? Did they hurt you badly? I'm sorry it took me so long...

[Locked to Shannon]

Please tell me you aren't hurt. Did everything go okay?

[info]azazealsheir in [info]zombiesnet

[locked to all Witches no matter where they reside]

Hello fellow magic users. Let's have a chat. Desperate beings in pain often will seek us out to fix their problems. At times they make requests that is completely against our best interests to grant. If you are ever asked to bind another witch's abilities, your answer is no. Aside from the massive karmic beating you would take from crossing that line, if I personally find out about it, I'll be quite cross. We don't have to like each other, or agree with each others practices, but our magic is our own. If I find out anyone has bound any of your abilities you can guarantee I will do anything it takes to have that restored to you. I do so hope you will feel the same regarding mine. Though, not to be entirely egotistical, stopping my magic will only fuel my other abilities, and they can be quite nasty.

This public service announcement has been brought to you by Malachi of the McBain magical line. I'm sure we'll all have a chance to meet properly sooner or later. In Phoebe's case, I certainly hope it's sooner. She's enchanting is she not?

Enjoy the remainder of your day. I have something to attend to to ensure all of you keep your magic.

[info]magical_willow in [info]zombiesnet


Thank you for watching over Angel. I know it's not easy.

I'm coming to relieve you. I'll keep watch now.

[info]magical_willow in [info]zombiesnet


I won't be around for a while. I'm watching Angel. Please be careful while I'm gone.

[info]outforpower in [info]zombiesnet

[Filtered: Private: Dimitri Belikov]

I know I said the girl would be in touch tonight, but something has come up. She'll speak to you tomorrow.