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December 15th, 2012

[info]sparklpyremote in [info]zombiesnet

Prison Residents

I know Alice's arrival the other day was... shocking but I thank you for not harming her out of startlement.

I'm pleased to hear too that the little one is safe.

[Cullen Clan]

We've been invited to the Christmas party the prison is having.

[info]therogueslayer in [info]zombiesnet


You and me tonight. Our cell 8:30. I don't care if it's the second coming of the apocalypse. I'm spending time with my girl. Connor and I are heading out on a raid but I'll be back in time for 8:30.

[info]swimchick in [info]zombiesnet

[locked to Faith]

It's okay if something came up, but please tell me where you are. I've looked all over the prison for you and Connor and I'm starting to freak out.

[locked to Connor]

Is Faith with you?

[locked to the Council]

Something is wrong. Faith and I were supposed to meet over an hour ago, but she hasn't shown up and I can't find her anywhere. I can't find Connor either. They left on a raid and according to the sentry on duty, they haven't come back yet but I know they should have been here a long time ago. She would have let me know if something else came up.

[locked to Spencer]

I can't find Faith.

[info]ex_slayersha519 in [info]zombiesnet

[locked to Giles, Wesley, Willow, The Leadership Council and Colleen]

I had a slayer dream. Vague as always, but I saw Faith for a moment, then I saw the scythe on the ground. Faith would never drop the scythe. She wouldn't leave it on the ground. I'm going out to find her and it.

C, did you have the dream too?

[locked to Neal]

I have to go out and do slayer stuff. I'll be back. Please stay safe.