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November 28th, 2012

[info]mommyluvsu in [info]zombiesnet


I was wondering if I could ask you a favor.

[info]hybridvamp in [info]zombiesnet

Alice Cullen

Ft. Lewis tomorrow, leave about 0800 if that works for you. Anyone else from your coven coming or should I open up the other two seats to raiders from the prison? The more drivers we have the more we can bring back. It is around 80 miles one way, so plan on being gone at least two days.

[info]fearlessvision in [info]zombiesnet

Esme, Jasper, Rosalie

Our shopping trip with Selene to Ft. Lewis will be a two day adventure! We'll be leaving tomorrow at 0800 and visiting a few malls on way back. So we'll be able to find goodies for the cabin and supplies for our human neighbors.

So Rosalie you should definitely come too!

[info]prophecyboy in [info]zombiesnet

Prison filter: posting for Faith

And your new leadership council is:

Captain Jack Harkness
Dimitri Belikov
Natasha Romanoff
Stefan Salvatore

Congrats. Faith will be in touch for the first meeting.

Thanks to the last council for all the hard work and stuff.

[info]hybridvamp in [info]zombiesnet

Natasha Romanoff

Road Trip

Some of us who live outside the walls are going to Ft. Lewis down near Tacoma tomorrow morning. Objectives are more military trucks, and raiding the armory, hospital, and commissary storage. As many of your people who can fit it the back of the pickup are welcome.

Vampires or those who can work with them without looking like lunch please. Also, the more who can drive, the more trucks we can bring back loaded. Personally, I would prefer all vampires, but will not press the issue.

We also plan to visit a mall or two on the way back for clothing and other household goods so plan on two days for the trip. 

[info]outofhershadow in [info]zombiesnet


Nice moves.

[info]i_candy in [info]zombiesnet

Jack Harkness

Congratulations once again.

[info]outofhershadow in [info]zombiesnet

[locked to Bonnie, Jeremy and Matt]

Hi. How are you guys doing?

[locked to Elena and Damon]

Hi. What's new?

[locked to Tyler]

Good news or bad news first?