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September 19th, 2012

[info]shinytomato in [info]zombiesnet

Colleen and I hit major pay dirt on this last run so fresh weapons and ammo are in the supply room!

We grabbed everything from bats, knives and swords to ammo for guns, arrows and crossbow bolts. I tried to divide everything out but if I missed something needed just yell and I'll keep an eye out on the next trip. Also picked up some general odds and ends, those are in the usual place.

Cleaning supplies are in the doorway of the supply room if people are looking for those as well.

Dr.Grey: I also dropped off a couple of bags of supplies at the infirmary, got lucky to find an unraided drug store of all things.

Phil: Set out a ton of parts for you and teen genius to play with too.

Captain Jack: Not sure what your friend was needing ammo wise but took a decent guess.

Colleen: Thank you for getting me to lighten up a little during the run.

[info]capnjckhrknss in [info]zombiesnet

Hoping everyone has been recovering from the prison attack. If anyone needs to talk I don't mind being an ear. Also I'd love to talk to our infirmary doctor. Meredith, I think her name is? If you are around here, I think I might be able to be of assistance to you.

So who is up for an evening of drinking and chatting?


You'd better be resting or I'm tying you down to the gurney and not in a kinky way!


I know it's silly to be worried about you because they don't go after you, but I was, and tried finding you during the attack, but couldn't. I got tied up outside axing the dead. Are you alright?