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Jun. 7th, 2010


Who: Scott, open
What: checking out the campus
Where: Somewhere on campus
When: after lunch
Warning: None

Wanna have a staring contest? )

Jun. 5th, 2010


RP: In which she arrives

Who: Felicity, open
What: Arrival
Where: Somewhere near but not on the campus
When: Early evening
Warning: None

Definitely not the grounds )


RP: So, she had a job now ...

Who: Lily, open
What: Reading
Where: On a bench by a pond near the campus
When: Mid-afternoon
Warning: None

There was a resignation about the whole affair ... )

Jun. 4th, 2010


Who: Robin and open
What: A second attempt at dealing with the modern world
Where: Entrance to the campus then town
When: Noonish, June 4th
Warning: guy from the dark ages in the modern world

Bringing a bow to a a gun fight )


Who: Kara and open
What: Eating, looking for someone to hang out with
Where: Cafeteria
When: Morning, June 4th
Warning: None

Whatever you do, don't challenge her to an eating contest )

Jun. 1st, 2010


Who: Remus and Teddy
What: Reuniting the Lupins
Where: The cafeteria
When: Evening, June 1st
Warning: None

Excuse me, but are you the son I never thought I'd have? )


RP: She knew he was here ..

Who: Astrid, Barret
What: Prowling around and looking for Hiccup
Where: On the grounds
When: Afternoon, June 1
Warning: None
As Mandy is net-less, Hiccup will not appear. Therefore, the post really is open

She'd seen Toothless, which meant ... )


Who: Raven, Open
What: Getting out of her room for a little while
Where: random grassy area on campus
When: Afternoon
Warnings: Moody Raven

If things worked more like she planned, they wouldn't suck so much )


Who: Scott, Open
What: Arriving
Where: Near the campus
When: June 1st, afternoon
Warnings: Not that I can foresee

And that was the last time he asked me to look him in the eyes to tell him something )

May. 31st, 2010


Who: Terra and Open
What: Mostly relaxing by the pool
Where: Pool area
When: Midday, May 31st
Warnings: None so far

Perhaps today, she can just relax )


Who: Kara and open
What: Playing tennis
Where: Tennis courts
When: After breakfast, May 31st
Warning: probably none

What do people with superspeed do when their bored? )

May. 30th, 2010


RP: Doubting ... Remuses

Who: Lily, Remus
What: Proving her presence
Where: Courtyard
When: later afternoon/evening, May 30,
Warning: None anticipated

Why didn't he believe? )


RP: Doesn't Belong

Who: River, open
What: Arriving
Where: near the front entrance
When: Early morning, May 30
Warning: River's unique take on things

Wrong side of the fence; this wasn't greener )

May. 29th, 2010


Who: Teddy and Lily
What: New kid on the block
Where: In front of the cafeteria
When: Afternoon
Warning: None

Bold as a cat, and just as quiet )


Who: Will, open
What: doing paper work, and attending the facility
Where: Medical Center
When: Late evening, May 29
Warning: None for now

The names Break. Doctor Will Break. )

May. 28th, 2010


Who: Remus, Raven
What: Just a talk, that's all
Where: Campus grounds, near the tennis court
When: Early evening, May 28
Warning: None for now

and I am searching for a certainty that I can never find )


RP: The Sky is Falling

Who: Hiccup (and Toothless), open
What: ... Arriving? XD
Where: Field next to the basketball court.
When: Midmorningish
Warning: Probably none, but TBD

... isn't that a song in Spy Kids? )

May. 27th, 2010


Who: Robin and open
What: Checking out the training center
Where: Training Center
When: mid-day May 27th
Warning: probably none

No need to get rusty )

May. 26th, 2010


Who: Remus, Raven
What: Trying to get lost
Where: Edge of the campus, heading out
When: Night, May 26
Warning: None, mild swearing

This was not good. )


Who: Terra and Dawn
What: Shopping
Where: The mall
When: Late afternoon
Warning: None

New clothes, the secret to panacea )

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