World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
Back November 1st, 2008 Forward
Victor Stone (Cyborg) [userpic]

Sarah Connor?

*Fumbling sound, Laurie can't type in the dark even with her phone's backlighting so she's activated the voice feature.*

He-hello? *A few seconds of sobbing.* No, no, no. . .Ow.

Cass? Tess? Lo-o-ogan. . .*More sobbing.* He's he-e-e-erre. Owowowowow!

bonnie deville [userpic]

I'm officially a horrible person.

Severus Snape (Harry Potter) [userpic]

Oh Remus, my Remus, I believe last night's escapades are on par with my 'High Post' I made weeks ago. ... But I just have this feeling, it wont work out between us, mate.

Lucy )

Sometimes I think I'm beyond all hope. I hate what I do to myself.

Ok, I'm confused.

Severus )

Lilly Kane [Veronica Mars] [userpic]


Drama. That I had nothing to do with for once.

Back November 1st, 2008 Forward