World In Her Hands Logs Community
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Who: Lynn, Logan and Tesla Echolls and everyone attending Tess's surprise shower.
Where: Banquet room on the cruise ship.
When: Evening, around dinner time.
Warnings/Status: Adorable stuffs. Overenthusiastic grandmothers to be? In progress.
Posting: So the idea was for each person coming to the shower to post a reply to the post of them giving Tess whatever they got her for the baby and or her. Links are helful but descriptions work fine! Mom, Dad and maybe even grandma can each reply to the replies to the post and carry out conversations and shenanigans that way. Mom and Dad and reply to the post itself to interact with Lynn!

Havin' my baby, what a lovely way to say I love you. . )

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who: Tess and Logan, John Winchester, NPC
Where/When: The Grand, Halloween Night
Why: There's a devil sitting on my shoulder...
Warning: Devil Sex, language.

I'm so happy dancing while the Grim Reaper cuts, cuts, cuts, but he can't cut me )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Tess and Kendall. Maybe Loki and or Logan later.
Where: Outside a kitchen supply store in Los Angeles.
When: This evening once Tess is done filming.
What: Encounter of the dangerous kind the first, with "new improved" Kendall.
Warnings: Swearing, mild violence toward a pregnant woman and probably elsewhere.

You can pout your cherry lips, try and tempt him with a sweet kiss, you can batt your pretty eyes, he aint got his hands tied. No chains to unlock so free to do what he wants, he's in to what he's got, he loves me, he loves you not. )

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who:  Logan and the Joker
When/Where:  Tonight, New Jersey warehouse.
Why:  Being the white knight and rescueing Cutie PIe
Warnings;  Language, definitely language.  In progress.

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Logan and Tesla Echolls
Where/What: The doctor for checkup stuffs.
When: This afternoon.
Warnings/Status: Considering last time I said probably not Logan had moving car sex with her lap, I'll keep it open for edit. In progress. (PS. :-P)

It's bad that the only songs I can think of in regards to Tess and pregnancy are the conception songs from the Look Who's Talking movies, huh? Round, round, get around, I get around! )

Who: Logan Echolls and the Casablancas brothers.
Where: Tijuana, Mexico.
When: Throughout the course of today.
What: Surfing, getting high, chatting, eating.
Warnings/Status: Illegal substance use, swearing, uhhh mentions of underage drinking. Complete, written allll by the lovely Keri with my okay on Dick's parts.

And if you go down by the water. . . )

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who: Logan and Sev
Where/When: Random bar in Neptune, late tonight.
Why: Logan's pissed, Sev is pissed, and being BFFs they have decided to use the other to take out their pissedness on.
Warnings: Violence, language. Complete.

Oh we're not gonna take it, no, we ain't gonna take it, oh we're not gonna take it anymore. )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Logan and Tesla Echolls.
Where: Out and about in San Diego.
When: Friday night.
What: *Gasp* A date! I know, gtfo!
Warnings/Status: Language and foreplay while driving, then backseat smut. Can't say we didn't try to be good, y'all. Complete.

First comes love, then comes marriage but before that baby carriage comes a rollin', will come some 'us' time. )

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who:  Logan Echolls, Severus Snape, Kendall Casablancas (also posting order.) Special appearances by Loki and Tesla Echolls.
When/Where:  Late tonight.  Trying to find Tess. Address Kendall sent.
Warnings:  Language, physical violence, character death? etc.
Status:  In progress.

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Tesla Spencer, Logan Echolls, Jeremiah Parish, all invited.
When: Tomorrow, Sunday, September 21st, 4:PM UTC (Coordinated Universal Time, pplz)
Where: The beach, Santorini, Greece.
What: Nuptials.
Warnings/Status: Swearing, if anything, maybe drug or underage alcohol consumption but let's all try to behave and make this go smooth, it's gonna be crazy enough :P. In progress.
How it works: Please to see my OOC post in the OOC comm before commenting, it should be up within five minutes or so of posting this. Some order will be needed for this to not get too crazy to play.

I apologize in advance for the length of this prompt and do NOT expect replies to match this, there's just a lot of stuff to get us all to an even point.

I could stay awake just to hear you breathin'. Watch you smile while you are sleeping, while you're far away, I'm dreaming, I could spend my life in this sweet surrender. I could stay lost in this moment forever, for every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure. . )

Who: Jesus, Tesla Spencer, Logan Echolls. (Posting order, to save sanity too.)
Where: A beach in South America
When: This evening, sundown.
What: Messiah wants to test out her new body. With some play time friends. Smut.
Warnings and Jazz: Smut, swearing, public indecency. In progress.

Girl caress my body. . . )

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who:  Logan Echolls and Tesla Spencer
When:  Lazy Sunday (they're totally gonna go watch the Chronic-what-cles of Narnia after, with Red Vines 'cause they're crazy delicious)
Where/Why:  Their home, Logan telling Tess about his new divine nature.  Yes, I said divine.  Don't laugh! 
Warnings/Status:  Swearing as usual, intense conversations.  In progress.

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Tesla Spencer and Logan Echolls.
What: OMG moment. Possible arguing, sobbing, laughing, who knows.
Where: The beach, Neptune California.
When::After this OMG marriage proposal. Earlier this morning PST.
Warnings/Status: Language, otherwise I'll update accordingly.

Well I promised everything, the necklace and the things you made will go with me everywhere I go. It's not the end, I won't pretend as if I'm able to fix what can't be broke. I'm breathless and disconnected. . . )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Logan Echolls and Tesla Spencer.
Where: Their room, the Grand.
When: This evening 7-ish PST.
What: Smut of the fun variety.
Warnings/Status: Oh, smut, swearing. NSFW at all. Incomplete.

'cause I like the way you move in the dark. And I like the tension, the tension in the spark. )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Logan Echolls and Tesla Spencer.
Where: Home.
When: After her outing with Veronica.
What: Talk, angst, H&C.
Warnings/Status: Angst, bad words. In progress.

This is going to hurt. )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Tess and Logan
Where: La Grande.
When: This late afternoon/early evening.
What: Talking, stuffs.
Warnings/Status: Swearing. Complete.

So listen to my heart, lay your body close to mine. . )

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who:  Vince Cappadora, Logan Echolls, open to Weevil, Dick, others engaged in mayhem.
Where:  Dog Beach
When:  Late tonight.
Warnings:  Violence, swearing.
Status:  Complete

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who:  Logan Echolls and Lynn Echolls
When:  Soon after Lynn's post on the boards.
Where:  Coronado Bridge, the Echolls Family Monument
Warnings:  Just language

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who: Logan Echolls, Tesla Spencer
Where: Night drive in Neptune.
Why: Making Tess happy and unstressed.
Warnings: Not planning on the smut, but lots of making out.
Status: Incomplete

Lay back, baby, and we'll do this right )

Who: Vincent Cappadora, Tesla Spencer, Logan Echolls if he wants.
Where: A coffee place in San Diego.
When: This afternoon.
What: A friendly chat, likely some Vince on Tess flirting.

Tesla. What a name. And they'd dated? Or another version at least. Big difference. A smirk curved Vincent's lips as he took a sip of his coffee, glancing around for the pretty redhead who knew him and the music he liked. If nothing else it was proving amusing to see her boytoy jumping and yapping at him like a Chihuahua that felt violated. He almost wanted to see how far he'd have to go before the Chihuahua bit.

Testing his limits again, his mother would frown. The thought put him into check for the moment, and he mused at how this was one of Ben's better tricks, if it was. Alternate reality led by God, where a girl named Tesla used to date him. Maybe getting his brother back wasn't the best thing that had happened to him. But it was always fun to see how far he'd go.

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