World In Her Hands Logs Community
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bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Logan and Tess.
Where: Home, yo.
When: Yesterday evening. Fail IJ edit button placement.
What: Drinking for the first time in FOREVER!
Rating and jazz: Drinking is PG-13. Drinking and fondling with swearing, I believe, would constitute an R. Whether it goes up from there, is unknown.

Seriously go edit a post anywhere and look at where the 'save' button is compared to the delete. Things need to change, Squeaks. )

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who: Logan and Tess
Where/When: Hawaii, all day.
What: Surfing, relaxing, and serious sexins.
Warning: Sheesh. Pure sex, guys. WIP

I wanna write her name in the sky... )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Tess and any member of her extended family, including Logan, Keke, Charlie, Ethan and family etc. Bring your kids, come if you wanna see Ace. This is gonna be the first big family event where everyone can see the baby before mom and dad leave for Hawaii.
Where: Casa de Echolls, San Diego.
When: Tonight. Between six PM PST and whenever.
What: Food, baby gawking, chatting. Treat this as any group log, subject line who the bit is between and have FUN!

It hadn't been an initial plan or anything... )

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who: Tess and Logan, Little Dick briefly
Where / Why: Their house, this morning, Mother's Day shenanigans
Warnings: Oh dear God, the SCHMOOP, pure unadulterated SCHMOOP, you wouldn't believe the street value of this SCHMOOP. Possible language also.

Now starts the craft of the father... )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Logan and Tesla Echolls, Lynn Echolls, Karen Davis, NPC Carolyn, Ace Echolls.
Note: Here it is guys! Several of you are planned to be at the birth but I didn't want us to Godmod your pups(iz the rulez, yo) so if you want to log something after the birth, comment my OOC post (if you haven't already).
Where: Casa Echolls, San Diego California.
When:Tuesday, May 5th, all throughout the morning.
What: The birth of Ace Guy Echolls.
Warnings:Uh, birth? I think light swearing but not a lot, oh and if you don't like to hear about boobs, some nudity.

And now I'm home again. )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Tesla and Logan Echolls, Kendall Casablancas and Aaron Echolls.
Where: The Coronado bridge passing from Neptune into San Diego.
When: The early evening of Monday the 4th, say around 6 P.M PST.
What: Drama, death of Kendall and the big bang beginnings of Tess' true labor.
Warnings: Character death but no gore, probably crude language. Heroic Aaron FTW.

To keep the balance, one bitch must die for a good person to be born. )

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who: Logan and Tess
Where/When: Their home, after Logan's fight with Aaron
Why: Holy shit, Logan is freaking out.
Warning: Language, WIP

My boy was just like me )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Sev and Tess (with a little modded Logan in the beginning)
Where: Sooper sekkrit house in San Diego.
When: This afternoon after everyone is settled a bit.
What: The Great Mouse Detective, lunch and mother/son conversation.
Warnings: Nothing past swearing.

Time to indulge in the heart to heart, quesadillas and Tess' favorite movie as a kid. )

Mia Jesbar [userpic]

Who: Open to everyone (except villains)
What: Beach party!
When: Tonight, starting at 6 and going til whenever.
Where: Private beach somewhere in the Caribbean.
Warnings: If your thread's rating becomes high, mark it in the comment title (or start a new log). :)

Reply to this post with your character's entrance so others can easily find and talk to them. THEN reply to other characters' original entrance tags if your pup wants to talk to them. This will make it easier and more organized for the players. (You don't have to reply to this in order to say your character was here, but it'll be more fun that way!)

Private beach. Beautiful ocean. Setting sun. Everything is perfect. )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Logan and Tess
Where: Home, yo.
When: Thursday evening after his class.
What: Logan sent Tess some seriously horny texts (that my mom saw ppl, true story) and she won't let this go.
Warnings?: God yes. All of the appropriate ones. Smut, language, growly people. Seriously, virginal eyes do not look.

Run out to meetcha, chips and pitta. You say, 'When we married', 'cause you're not bitter. There'll be none of him no more, I cried for you on the kitchen floor. )

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who: Logan and Tess
Where: Here and there.
Why: Duh.
Warning: WIP, schmoop.

Happy happy birthday Tesla dear, happy things will come to you all year, if I had a wish than it would be a happy happy birthday to you from me )

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who: Logan and Tesla
Where/When: After class, going to the doctor.
Why: Tess worried about Ace and Logan trying to make sure everything's okay.
Warning: Language, WIP

Pray God you can cope, I stand outside this woman's work, This woman's world, Ooh, it's hard on the man, Now his part is over. Now starts the craft of the father. )

Sylar [userpic]

Who: Sylar and Tesla
What: Cake, clocks and female talks
When: Today
Where: Neptune
Rating: PG

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Tesla (in the altered mindset) and Logan, future!Baby!Ace.
Where/When: The suite this afternoon.
What: Cuteness, awkwardness, possibly shock and making amends.
Warnings: Fluff, language.

Things I almost remember, and a song, someone sings once upon a December. . )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Logan and Tesla, Little Dick, Cutie Pie, later Dick (and Lynn?) either to just say hello or say hello and remove Little Dick and Cutie Pie. We'll see. Never does any good to say outright :P
Where/When: Their suite, Christmas.
What: Logan finally finds out what he gets for Christmas! *drumroll slowly builds*

Dear friends and family, as I awoke this morning to the sound of the Christmas birds chirping in the Californian air, I felt an exhilarating rush of pride and sense of achievement for another stellar Echolls year. . . )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Tess, Ethan and Lil Petey.
Where/When: Casa de Echolls, Neptune, Sunday night.
What: Cheering Tess up out of her pregnancy funk, adorableness between friends. You all should keep up with it and get big smiles.
Warnings: Cute babies? Nothing big. No awfully bad words if any at all.

For some reason I want to use an inappropriate Britney Spears song here so. . .Moving on! )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Tesla and Logan Echolls, Loki
Where/When: Home, Wednesday afternoon.
What: End of an era.
Warnings/Status: Mmm language is likely.

Booked our flights those years ago, I said I loved you as I left you. . . )

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who:Tess, Ickle!Tess and Future!Sylar. (Yes, you can all pick your jaws up off the floor now!)
Where/When:Sylar's place, Tuesday afternoon.
What: Friendliness, bonding, kid talk.
Warnings/Status: Totally safe. Except maybe language. In prog.

Nothing witty to see here today folks, Shar's havin' a slow one! )

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who: Logan and Tesla
Where/When: Early morning, the suite, then the beach
Why: Dealing with the dreams
Warning: Language, angst, violence, WIP

Either I'm alive and dreaming or dead and remembering. )

Who: Cassie Fraiser and Logan and Tesla Echolls
What: Half-drunken gaming
Where: Logan and Tess' house
When: Sunday afternoon
Warnings: TBD

She brought a bottle with her. Some kind of wine that she'd still had in her boxes from Vegas that Sam hadn't managed to find. And she brought herself, which was a requirement since she was still worried about Logan. She'd arrived outside of their door because even though he'd said to come over, she still felt awkward about showing up in their house without knocking.

So...she knocked.

And then yelled. "Hey, Logan! Let me in."

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