World In Her Hands Logs Community
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January 2011
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Who: Julius Caesar, Brooke Davis, Brooke Davis-Scott & Haley James Scott with the NPCed Jamie Scott and Sydney Scott.
When: Shortly after Caesar's arrival
What: Kidnapping, torturing and taunting at the very least
Where: That's a secret!
Warnings: You have nucking futs Caesar having kidnapped three women and two children, one who is an infant.
Rating: TBD if it will get to NC-17, but definitely R status.
Status: In Progress

He had no patience )

Who: Brooke Davis and Lucas Scott
When: After his arrival
What: Discussing things, especially since she's havin' his bebe.
Where: Her room at Neptune.
Warnings: TBD
Rating: TBD

Brooke chewed on the pad of her thumb as she paced her room back and forth at Neptune. It wasn't going to take Lucas long to get there, but it felt like forever at the same time. Her hand fell to the swell of her belly, which seemed to get larger every day that she saw. A soft smile flitted across her features as she thought of their baby. She still hadn't discovered the sex yet. She had been hoping Lucas would arrive and they could find out together. Now... her she had her chance. And he wasn't with Peyton anymore.

Who: Lynn, Logan and Tesla Echolls and everyone attending Tess's surprise shower.
Where: Banquet room on the cruise ship.
When: Evening, around dinner time.
Warnings/Status: Adorable stuffs. Overenthusiastic grandmothers to be? In progress.
Posting: So the idea was for each person coming to the shower to post a reply to the post of them giving Tess whatever they got her for the baby and or her. Links are helful but descriptions work fine! Mom, Dad and maybe even grandma can each reply to the replies to the post and carry out conversations and shenanigans that way. Mom and Dad and reply to the post itself to interact with Lynn!

Havin' my baby, what a lovely way to say I love you. . )

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