World In Her Hands Logs Community
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Who: Jessica Moore, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, John Winchester,
Mary Winchester, Genevieve Winchester and God.
What: Sam and Jess are getting married!
When: Christmas Eve, but slowtimes.
Where: The beach. Gigi's in charge of weather.
Warnings: It's a Winchester wedding, so at least expect a swear or two..

You say you want diamonds in a ring of gold, you say you want your story to remain untold...but all the promises we make, from the cradle to the grave...when all I want is you... )

Who: John and Mary
Where / When: Two nights ago, bar in St. Louis.
Why: Reconciliation
Warning: In Progress / Language / Liek Woah Smut

Don't you cry no more )

Who: John Winchester, Mary Winchester
When / Where: The night Mary appeared, their diner in Lawrence, KS
Why: Reunion
Warning: Language / WIP

There'll be peace when you are done. )

Who: John and Sam Winchester
Where/When: The house in St Louis, this afternoon.
Why: Stupid ass TV show can certainly ruin a good Saturday.
Warning: Language, WIP.

It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't fortunate son, no. )

Who: John and Karen
Where/When: Chicago steakhouse / Tonight
Warning: Language, WIP

By the winding stream we shall lie and dream, we'll make dreams come true if we want them to... )

Who: John and Mary
Where/When: St. Louis, the night Mary appeared.
Why: He's John Winchester, she's Mary Winchester... what else?
Warning: Language as usual. Nothing beyond that.

Kentucky woman, She shines with her own kind of light )

Who: John Winchester and Victor Stone
Where: Battle Royale Arena
When: Tonight
Warning: Language, WIP

Push me again, this is the end, skin against skin blood and bone, you're all by yourself but you're not alone )

Who: John Winchester, Karen Davis
Where/When: Nice deli in NY, backdated to when they agreed on lunch.
Why: John really wanted a nice pastrami sandwich.
Warning: Language, WIP

I once knew a girl in the years of my youth, with eyes like the summer, all beauty and truth )

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who: Tess and Logan, John Winchester, NPC
Where/When: The Grand, Halloween Night
Why: There's a devil sitting on my shoulder...
Warning: Devil Sex, language.

I'm so happy dancing while the Grim Reaper cuts, cuts, cuts, but he can't cut me )

<b>Who:</b> The Winchester Men
<b>When:</b> Lunchtime
<b>Where:</b> The only good bar in Provo, Utah.
<b>Rating/Warnings:</b> PG-13, for language.

John loved the smell of bars.  The slightly sweet smell of hops and yeast, decades of cigarette smoke, and the rough scent of leather.  He'd been in dozens over the years of his life, and while some carried a more organic smell than others, they all carried the same comforting scents.

He'd found a booth where he could watch the door, gave the waitress a smile as she sat a Sam Adams down in front of him.  Dean had always mocked him for his love of "girly" beers, but much like Sam and his coffee, there were some comforts John didn't want to lose.  WIth a baseball game on the TV, droning and soothing, he relaxed and enjoyed the atmosphere.

Who: John Winchester, Karen Davis, open to others up for virgin Margaritas
When: Tonight
Where: Chilis in Utah
Rating/Warnings: John swears unapologetically.
Status: In progress.

Chili's was PACKED. John hadn't counted on the fact that every person in Utah thought taking their Dad to a moderately-priced family restaurant was the perfect gift. People were sitting impatiently, waiting to shown to their tables, and John picked his way through the crowd to the bar area, grabbed an open table that hadn't been cleared off yet.

Mary hadn't been feeling well, but had promised John she would come later is she felt up to it. He hoped she would, and anyone else who maybe had problems with Father's Day. A busboy showed up, started to clean off the table, and John ordered a Sam Adams while he waited for Karen.

Who: Jo Harvelle and John Winchester
What: A long time gone: Sit down between Uncle John and Jo-Bee
Where/When: Southwestern bar room, Late night
Rating: Ill-will, swearing, and possible violence abound...

Log: The Winchesters (Dean, Sam, Mary, John)

Who: The Winchesters (open to Teri, Jack, Anita)
What: prepping for and going on a hunt
Where: Winchester/Malfoy residence & Blue Earth, MN
When: now-ish
Warnings: R for fairly assured use of the F word from certain family members
Status: incomplete

It was a little weird to pack this bag again. It'd been months since he'd really used it. He made sure he packed the shirt Anita had given him for his birthday and zipped the duffel closed, smiling a bit at the familiar action.

He wandered down the stairs, clothes in the duffel against his shoulder, weapons in the one in his left hand.

"Yo!" he called. "We doing this or not?"

Who:  John Winchester, Mary Winchester
When:  Right the goddamn now.
What:  Calming the fuck down.
Rated:  The marine is cursing, definitely R. Status: Complete

John sat quietly on the front porch step, listening to the angry beat of his heart and waiting for Mary.  He still wasn't quite sure how things had spiraled out of control so fast, only that Sam knew which buttons to push and somewhere he had forgotten his own emergency override.  He felt somewhat achy, his skin crawling over his body like he was coming down with flu.  All he could think was What the fuck just happened?

Current Music: Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

Who:  John and Mary Winchester
What:  Teaching Mary how to handle her new gun.
When:  Now
Rating:  R 'cause John swears sometimes.
Status:  In Progress

John handed Mary up into the truck carefully, watching that the holster she carried didn't snag on anything.  And also, he had to admit, to get a flash of calf as she stepped up into the truck.  Having a young wife was definitely a perk, but John worried sometimes Mary deserved someone more her age, and maybe someone who didn't have the life he had led.  He still woke deep in the night with his heart hammering, nearly frantic as he reached for her, and sometimes the words murmured into her hair as she slept were incantations to reveal demons and trickery.

John tried to relax, put his life behind him, enjoy AJ and Jack and his sons and their wives.  It was hard, putting off vigilance, and the deep mistrust of anything normal he had instilled himself was doubly so.  He fought it, but knew it still revealed itself in subtle ways, ways that only Sam and Dean would catch.

Mary was smiling at him, and he stepped up and leaned forward, catching the smile against his lips before it disappeared.  She smelled of lilac and soap and that mysterious scent of the desert after rain.  It was something he thought he'd never get again. 

"You ready to play Dirty Harry?"

Current Mood: grateful grateful
Log: Teri & Lucius Malfoy, Sam Winchester (open to Winchesters)

Who: Centuria Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Sam Winchester, open to other Winchester-family-types
What: Lucius is bringing some of Teri's stuff from England and coming to see the baby
Where: Winchester/Malfoy residence
When: tonight
Rating: PG to be on the safe side
Status: incomplete

Teri was nervous, and she didn't feel she should be. )

Log: Dean & Sam (open to Jack, John)

Who: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, NPCs (open to John and Jack)
What: Dean's Winchester-style bachelor party
Where: tbd
When: tonight
Rating: PG-13-ish for violence of the ghost busting variety
Status: meh, complete unless we decide it needs revisiting

Dean was glad his brother had suggested beer, pizza, and guns bachelor party, 'cause Dean was feeling mighty exasperated by that demon chick, Ruby. She was more cryptic than Dad, and that was saying somethin'.

He closed his new laptop, had a moment to wonder exactly when his old laptop had become Sam's during those months after Jess while hunting for their dad, and clattered down the stairs to meet up with his brother and that friend of Anita's, Edward. Or, as Edward had requested they call him in public, Ted Forrester.

Log: Teri Malfoy & Sam Winchester, open to Winchesters, Jack, Anita

Who: Sam Winchester, Teri Malfoy (open to Mary, John, Dean, Anita, and Jack)
What: Sam's going back to normal
Where: The Winchester/Malfoy residence
When: earlier this evening?
Rating: PG, because Sam and Teri can't get nasty right now
Status: complete

After she finished putting Alistair down to sleep and tucking him in, Teri headed back downstairs. She wasn't sure, but it sounded like Sammy was having a tantrum in the kitchen. She considered briefly using a silencing charm on him, because between him and Ali, she was developing a splitting headache. Of course, that might have been due to the amounts of chocolate she and Anita had consumed at lunch.

Who: Sam and Dean Winchester (open to Mary, John, Teri, Anita and Jack)
What: Doing their brother thing...
Where: The Winchester/Malfoy residence
When: During the time of the screaming toddler
Why: 'Cause we gotta
Rating: PG, because Dean might let one or two bad words slip

"Eeeeeeeee!" Sammy stretched his arms out in front of him and ran as fast as he could across the kitchen floor. The red towel flapped behind him, but he just couldn't seem to get enough speed to leave the ground. That was okay, though. In his mind, he was soaring high, high over the house and the street and land. Just like Superman.

"Fwwwwwyyyyyyyyyin'!" he announced, incase anyone near didn't know that they had a real life, flying superhero in their midst.

Who: Teri Malfoy, John Winchester, open to other Winchesters, Jack Sparrow, & Anita Blake
What: going to get John this time
When: tonight
Where: Winchester/Malfoy residence, Bobby Singer's place
Rating: R for language
Status: incomplete

Teri shrugged into her coat and went to stand on the front walk, which Jack had kindly shovelled and sprinkled with rock salt. Gloves on, she gave her wand a flick and said, "Accio portkey!"

The vase flew out the door, which Dean held open, and into her hand. She set it on the bottom step of the porch and then concentrated, did a half turn, and Apparated several hundred miles to land on Bobby Singer's front porch. She leaned against the exterior wall, summoning a small fire to her hands, and waited for John and Bobby to arrive.

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