World In Her Hands Logs Community
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Veronica Mars [userpic]

Who: Vol. 4 Sylar & Veronica.
When: Night.
Where: A street to start.
Rating/Warnings: Um, this is Sylar so I don't predict hugs and puppies.
Status: In progress

Veronica was getting used to living with Josef. He'd pretty much insisted that she did, but she wasn't just going to just stay inside all of the time and she hadn't gotten in enough trouble to warrant needing bodyguards just yet. She was also pretty much indestructible so, she wasn't too worried. Besides right now all she was doing was heading to the car, and then she was going to find something to do in Los Angeles, which shouldn't be hard considering it was LA.

She walked towards her car and pressed the button to unlock the doors.

Sylar [userpic]

Who: Sylar, Veronica Mars
When: Middayish with the children out
Where: New York ~mansion~
Rating/Warnings: N/A, subject to change~
Status: Ongoing

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Tesla Spencer, Logan Echolls, Jeremiah Parish, all invited.
When: Tomorrow, Sunday, September 21st, 4:PM UTC (Coordinated Universal Time, pplz)
Where: The beach, Santorini, Greece.
What: Nuptials.
Warnings/Status: Swearing, if anything, maybe drug or underage alcohol consumption but let's all try to behave and make this go smooth, it's gonna be crazy enough :P. In progress.
How it works: Please to see my OOC post in the OOC comm before commenting, it should be up within five minutes or so of posting this. Some order will be needed for this to not get too crazy to play.

I apologize in advance for the length of this prompt and do NOT expect replies to match this, there's just a lot of stuff to get us all to an even point.

I could stay awake just to hear you breathin'. Watch you smile while you are sleeping, while you're far away, I'm dreaming, I could spend my life in this sweet surrender. I could stay lost in this moment forever, for every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure. . )

Veronica Mars [userpic]

Who: Future!Sylar & Veronica.
When: Tonight, after little Elle is asleep.
Where: His place.
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 I'd say, for sex and probably some violence
Status: In Progress.

What she was about to do was stupid, and deep down Veronica knew that, but that wasn't going to stop her. She needed this right now. Duncan and Meg? Oh god. She just had to not think about that right now. She really was happy for Tess and Logan, and thrilled that they wanted her to be a part of the wedding and all, but Duncan and Meg had been the icing on the cake. She really did feel like Dane Cook in Good Luck Chuck, date her...and you'd probably find your soulmate.

She wasn't going to make either of the super couples feel bad, but she...just needed to feel something. She'd Godboxed over to Sylar, not fully aware of what she was getting herself into.

Veronica Mars [userpic]

Who: Theo & Veronica.
When: Tonight.
Where: Down the street from his house a bit.
Rating/Warnings: R for strong content, talk of violence, vampires, and character death.
Status: In Progress.

A single tear fell from her eye and splashed on his now alabaster flesh )

Sarah Tigress Vida [userpic]

Who: Josef, Sarah, & Veronica
When: Night
Where: Josef's place
Rating/Warnings: Let you know
Status: In progress

Sarah was frustrated. Very frustrated. She wasn't sure what they were gonna do about Veronica. The girl had been in her room since she'd gotten home. She hadn't come out. It had gotten bad today. She'd almost had to kill Veronica, she was glad she didn't have to. Veronica was a friend. But friend or not an emotional vampire on her own was a recipe for disaster. It had been bad enough when Veronica had ripped that guy's throat out but Sarah had let it go because Veronica was trying to protect Tess.

And now she'd run off…again. It was getting tired, she didn't blame Josef for being so frustrated right now, especially when people were going around blaming him. Veronica needed to deal with all this, and not run away. Hiding in her room was just as bad, or at least close enough. She wasn't even sure what they could say to her, she'd had it rough but that was life.

The more she thought about, the more she'd realized that Veronica had never been given proper time to adjust to being a vampire. She hadn't allowed herself to, and that had been a mistake. She should have listened to Sarah and Josef, and now she would have to.

"So how do we want to do this?" Sarah asked Josef quietly, they'd all had an insane day.

bonnie deville [userpic]

Who: Tesla Spencer, Veronica Mars, Brian Munroe and Azrael.
Where: Out and about somewhere in California.
When: This evening, after dark.
What: Birthday celebration gone wrong.
Warnings/Status: Swearing, some violence, rape. Really, DONT read it if that kind of thing bothers you. Just don't./Completed.

. . .happy birthday? )

Veronica Mars [userpic]

Who: Theo and Veronica
When: Right after she talks to Dora
Where: Theo's place
Rating/Warnings: Probably R for Violence, Blood, and Language.
Status: In Progress.

As soon as she'd heard Theo was hurt, she was using her godbox to find him. It was not that hard, but she was panicked. She didn't want to waste any time. She didn't really know Theo or anything, but she'd talked to him a few times. She needed some friends beyond Josef and Sarah. And his little girl was scared.

When she arrived, she saw Theo on the floor, bleeding badly. She was nearly overtaken by the blood lust and wondered if this was such a good idea. She forced herself to get it under control and she approached him slowly.

"Theo…" She started. "Can you hear me?" She needed to know if there was an exit wound, or she'd have to get the bullet out herself…and time was a factor. This did not look good at all. She didn't think he'd make it if she called 911, there wasn't enough time. She had to act fast.

Loki (Dogma) [userpic]

Who: Loki, Veronica, Tess, open to anyone that wants to help. (Josef, Sarah, gulp Logan)
Where: Random location where Veronica is.
When: Today, nowish.
What: Stopping teh crazy! OMFG.
Warnings: The Angel of Death, a now claiming Psychic and at least one vampire is involved. It's not gonna be petty, probably violence and language. EVERYONE BREAK OUT IN SPANISH! Kidding.

Loki didn't like it at all but he figured bringing Tess might help calm Veronica down. He sighed as he scanned the cityscape below them as he held her close, wings flapping in a hurried effort to save Tesla's vampire friend. Finally feeling her closeby he began his descent, spotting her and, cursing.

Flying to where she was he was quick to set the squirming redhead down. He could barely see Veronica on ground level, a bunch of men were gathered around her and he could practically smell the taunting. Moving in he started knocking them unconscious, one by one, with simple flicks to their heads, yelling at Tesla to stay back until he was done.

Where she stood, Tess pulled out her phone, eyes lifting cautiously as she texted a message to Josef. We've found her on [Street name].. She put the phone away when Loki had finished.

"C'mon, Veronica, let's get you home."

Sarah Tigress Vida [userpic]

Who: Josef, Sarah, and Veronica
Where: Townhouse outside of Vegas
When: Late night
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Blood, Gore, Death, Vampires

Even as a vampire, she still thought like a Vida. )

Who: Veronica Mars, Josef Kostan, Mick St. John, Logan Echolls, Sarah Vida & Beth Turner
When: Shortly after Josef discovered Veronica's message about being attacked. AGAIN
What: Rescuing her. AGAIN ;-)
Warnings: Probably language and violence

Josef stormed into Veronica's room, grabbing the tracker she had. It took a moment for him to figure it out, which just fueled his anger. One thing that was not good was pissing off a vampire. Particularly him. He might be more lover than fighter, but if the fighter came out many needed to stand clear. Once he figured out where she was, he spun on his heel and headed out of the room. He'd have preferred simply running to where she was but since that... MORTAL who shared his face wanted to go too, they would need a car. He didn't want Sarah in danger, but knew they needed all the help they could get. Just in case this Liam knew who and what he was, having three vampires to even out three humans would be a better choice.

"Logan lets go!" he roared, heading down the hallway towards the front door. He knew Sarah would already be there too. When this was done, he and Veronica were going to have a long chat about her choices in job. And once Mick suggestted an alternate to ripping throats out, he would be talking with Liam too.

Sarah Tigress Vida [userpic]

Who: Josef Kostan, Sarah Vida, and Veronica Mars
When: Soon after Sarah arrives
Where: Near a club in Los Angeles
Rating/Warnings: R for blood, language, and violence.
Status: In Progress

Sarah didn't know how she'd come to be here, in Los Angeles. She'd just been in Massachusetts before. She was newly turned and Christoper had wanted her to stay with him, but she couldn't like like Nikolas did. She knew Nissa would help her...but she should be doing what any other Vida witch would do, falling on the silver knife and twisting so it destroyed her heart. Any other Vida witch would kill herself. But not Sarah.

Sarah no longer saw the world in black and white. There were shades of grey all around her. A vampire had killed Elizabeth Vida, one of her ancestors, true but it wasn't exactly like the Vida clan believed. If Caryn was here, maybe she could help Sarah too, but she was on her own right now. No, not really. Josef was going to help her, another vampire.

Her mother Dominique Vida would kill her, if she saw what she was. And even Adianna who had agreed that this was the only way for Sarah to survive would probably kill her sister if she saw her again, and Christoper was not here... Sarah felt so alone.

Logan Echolls [userpic]

Who:  Logan, of course, Shawn and his pineapple, Tess, Gus, Veronica, anyone else who wants to play X-Box and eat fruit salad except for Carrot Top.
When: Tonight
Where: The Grand in the crappy version of Nepture.
Rating/Warnings:  Probably lots of subtext and swearing so I'm going with R.
Status: Whatever.

There were about 5 fruit baskets arranged carefully around Logan's suite, bananas and pineapples and oranges and the whole room smelled like suntan oil or an explosion in at a fruit stand.  Everytime he looked up Logan saw a fruit basket and the sight of them made him grin.  It was nice to have something to smile about for a change; Veronica had warned him but the sheer suckage of this Neptune surprised him.  Twice he had been picked up and knocked around by Vinnie's deputies, and there was no Dick and Veronica seemed to have disappeared into the aether.

Which was a perfectly good reason to throw a party.  Logan could think of none other.  He was already deep into Call of Duty, waiting for whomever to show up, and was actually kinda excited to meet Captain Awesome and the lucious Tess and even if Veronica showed up he wouldn't fall into the epic trap.  Two beers down, still on his first life -- Logan had to grin with the fun of it.

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