What Price? - May 2nd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 2nd, 2009

A night out [May. 2nd, 2009|03:30 pm]


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[Current Mood |cheerful]

Who: Cho Chang and Viktor Krum
What: In which Cho and Viktor have a date.
Where: The Adriano Adwale Group performance at the Pizza Express Jazz Club, London
When: Saturday, May 2

The band was still setting up when Cho and Viktor arrived at the club, having just finished an excellent dinner at Inn Noodle. There was no denying that she'd started out the evening nervous, but Viktor's gift of a Moleskine notebook had disarmed her entirely, and dinner had gone exceptionally well. So she was cheerful and beaming as they arrived at the club and settled into a table for the show. Indeed, she hadn't thought once about her still-unfinished manuscript all night.
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Backstory: Charlie & Oliver, boys' night out [May. 2nd, 2009|06:58 pm]


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Who: Charlie Weasley and Oliver Wood
What: Mates go out before Oliver's wedding
When: Early May 2002
Where: Three Broomsticks, Hogsmeade

No fair outnumbering a man at his own wedding! )
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Business and Friendship [May. 2nd, 2009|07:19 pm]


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Who: Percy Weasley and Penelope Clearwater
When: Tuesday, April 28th
Where: Percy's Home
What: Penny and Percy have a business meeting
Rating: PG

Is that all I am concerned with? I have to say, Penelope, that is a pretty big concern )
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[May. 2nd, 2009|09:49 pm]
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Who: Chris and Astoria Warrington
What: At long last, the happy couple reunited
When: Morning of May 2
Where: Private quarantine room, Eryri Ysbyty hospital, Snowdonia

Sheer exhaustion, or perhaps a sleeping potion, had finally put Astoria under after she'd seen that Chris was tended to and Seren Fawcett-Finnigan had looked to her own injuries, such as they were. It took her a moment on waking up to realise she was no longer in her prison cell in Muggle custody, but in a wizarding place, safe. And not alone, either: she could hear the sound of breathing nearby. Her eyelids fluttered open and she turned her head to look at the other occupant of the room.
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...this is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain... [May. 2nd, 2009|10:20 pm]
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[Current Location |Little Greensport, Scotland & a ship at sea]
[Current Mood |determined]
[Current Music |"Remember The Name" - Fort Minor]

Who: Romilda Vane, Astoria (Greengrass) Warrington, Draco Malfoy, Juliet (Travers) Orfanos, Lucius Malfoy, Adrian Pucey, Zacharias Smith, Marcus Belby, Christopher Warrington, and NPCs Oswald Bole, Marcus Flint, Charles Pucey, along with various and sundry muggle soldiers/military types.
What: A rescue
When: Saturday, May 2, 2009 - very early morning
Where: Land action at Little Greensport, Scotland; sea action en route to Azkaban.
Rating: R (violence)

Ammunition for weapons and fuel explode well, but make sure you're not caught in the blast. )
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Wireless Broadcast - 2 May 2009 [May. 2nd, 2009|11:32 pm]


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Originally broadcast on the Saturday Evening Newshour
This morning, in the early hours of the day, an exceptionally brave and courageous group of wizards managed to secure a victory over the muggle military and against incredible odds, rescue two witches. The witches, who's identities are being preserved for the time being, had been presumed dead for some time but in truth had been captured by the muggles. When the witches were rescued, they were found to have suffered various injuries and the level of abuse is uncertain. Luckily, no wizards or witches were killed in the rescue, although many sustained various levels of injuries at the hands of the muggles.

As one of the members of the rescue party said, "You may not think you're in a war, but the people who are trying to eliminate us out do...Given that the muggles indiscriminately killed our children, our sick and injured."

If we are, indeed, in a war, then the actions of our fellow witches and wizards must be commended for what we can call a victory in this war that has been forced upon us. And for that, we must be truly grateful that there are those among us willing to stand up and fight for what is right, putting their lives on the line.

This is Zach Smith, encouraging you to stay vigilant and stay strong.

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