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Aquascutum presentation (Open to all) [Sep. 21st, 2009|03:26 pm]

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Who: Miranda Pye and a cast of thousands (add your character's name to the tags)
What: Aquascutum presentation (women's preview; men's preview)
When: Monday, 21 September, 9 AM to 6 PM
Where: Aquascutum showroom, 100 Regent Street, London, W1B 5SR
Warnings: Possibly some language, none others planned.
Status: Open to all, incomplete

The showroom had been prepared for both the presentation and the small catwalk shows--really just cleared areas with chairs for the clients to sit while the models strolled past in their gear--that would be going on intermittently all day. The public area of the store was filled with large-scale photographs of models in the new season's clothes and racks of goods that would soon be for sale; behind the scenes it was a madhouse of pinning, sewing, primping, and other last-minute preparations. Designers and models worked anxiously as buyers and clients perused the offerings, waiting to see how the garments that starred in the photographs looked in motion on the models' walk down the psuedo-runway.
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Two for tea [Sep. 16th, 2009|09:13 pm]
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Who: Astoria Warrington and Juliet Orfanos
What: Ladies having tea and gossip
When: Wednesday afternoon, 16 September
Where: Redbridge House, London
Warnings: None expected.
Status: Closed (possibly open to Chris), incomplete.

Tea at Redbridge House had always been a formal occasion, with a lovely tea service that had come from Greengrass Manor and the good silver that Chris's parents had given Chris and Astoria at their wedding. The little tiered plate held scones and jam and madeleines made according to the recipe that the Greengrass house elves had used when Astoria was little. Tea was an Earl Grey that Astoria's father had loved for many years. The rituals and the scents and tastes were all that was home to Astoria.

Hosting tea again was a pleasure, and on her days off, she indulged herself with the ladies of her class who remained, and sometimes the gentlemen. Today it was Aunt Juliet who had done her the favour of pouring. She no longer needed Juliet to refill her cup nor to hand her scones; her physical recovery from her ordeal was complete. And for all that she didn't use her wand to summon things as often as she might, she now displayed a certain facility with it that she had lacked when she first obtained it.

It was not quite like holding court on a pleasant weekend afternoon before the war, but it was no longer entirely unlike those days either.
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Letter, 8 September 2009 [Sep. 8th, 2009|09:48 am]

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[A very large, gold-trimmed envelope hand-delivered by Juliet's bodyguard to Ministry Annex One. The envelope is closed with the Travers family seal. The letter is warded to Percy, Lucius, and Charlie.]

To: Minister of Magic Percival Weasley, Chief Warlock Lucius Malfoy, Minister of Public Safety Charles Weasley


On behalf of the Travers and Orfanos families, I would like to formally offer Travers Close as the new meeting-place for the Wizengamot, and in doing so, place the property in trust of the Wizarding Government of Great Britain.

Naturally I do not make this offer lightly; it has involved no small amount of soul-searching and discussion with my family. Technically, my children Marina and Stefan are the heirs to the Travers estate—and if it were likely that they (or their issue) would be returning to England, matters might well be different. But it is increasingly clear to all of us that their futures lie elsewhere, and we have concluded that our best service to this country will be in offering our ancestral home as a stable base of operations for its government.

I have enclosed a map of the estate and a floor-plan of the house. You will see that the library, with proper arrangements, will be of more than adequate size to provide a meeting-hall for all members of the Wizengamot.

I am available at your convenience to discuss this matter further if you desire. My solicitors are drawing up the necessary paperwork and are prepared to meet with Ministry solicitors as needed.

Juliet Travers Orfanos

[Below the signature, the Travers family seal is stamped in charmed wax. The enclosed maps and plans are charmed so that the reader can tap on a room or area and get a more detailed overhead view of that space.]
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Not gods. Merely chosen by them. [Aug. 15th, 2009|04:03 pm]

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Who: Juliet Orfanos, NPC Majd Amarnath
What: In which Juliet ties up the last loose end of the Amarnath gang.
When: Night, August 14/15, 2009
Where: Hospital, undisclosed location.
Warnings: This is probably one of the nastier Juliet logs, thanks to Majd's execution by way of an extremely nasty potion. Also a powerful amount of hubris, and not a little swearing.
Status: Complete
Note: Much gratitude and cookies to Kori for supplying Majd!

"He slept with your kind... he... he'll burn in hell." Majd spat. "I believe I shall see you there..." )
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I have a cunning plan. [Aug. 11th, 2009|10:39 am]

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Who: Juliet Orfanos, Parvati Patil
What: In which Gavrail's future is discussed, and probably more.
When: Tuesday, 11 August
Where: Phone conversation.
Warnings: Elliptical discussions of gangland activities.
Status: Complete

Markos usually handled any business that had to be conducted by telephone or e-mail; Juliet distrusted the damn appliances more or less on principle, even if her daughter swore by her Raspberry or Blackberry or whatever the thing was called. But if that was how Patil wanted to do business, so it was.

It had been explained to her that one's location could be tracked by phone signal, so she took her mobile and went out for a walk in St James' Park. A middle-aged businesswoman on a mobile was a sufficiently common sight that no one paid her any mind as she sat down on a shaded bench and dialled Patil's number.
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Correspondence: Juliet [Aug. 10th, 2009|01:23 pm]
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Post to Bloomsbury PO Box )
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So mothers keep your girls at home / Don't let them journey all alone [Aug. 5th, 2009|11:29 pm]

[Current Music |Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, "The Kindness of Strangers"]

Who: Juliet Orfanos, NPC Sally Crewes
What: In which a form of very rough justice is served for the death of Clodagh Sparks.
When: Night, August 5, 2009
Where: An old office building in an industrial area on the outskirts of London.
Warnings: Juliet is laying lethal smackdown on someone, so—blood, violence, and Killing Curses.
Status: Complete

Tell them this world is full of danger / And to shun the company of strangers )
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Owl post to Redbridge House [Aug. 4th, 2009|10:32 pm]

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[A small box, charmed to open for Astoria, sealed with the logo of German stationer Faber and Putnam. Inside are three of the newest German-made Quick-Quotes Quills, which transcribe considerably more quickly than the last versions, and several rolls of Putnam's Palimpsest Parchment, which can be written over up to a dozen times, and with a simple charm, the user can backtrack through each layer of text. There is also a box of assorted Greek pastries and sweets, for Chris and Vida.]

My dear Astoria,

Congratulations on your return to the Prophet. I look forward to seeing your byline again.

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[Jul. 15th, 2009|12:40 pm]
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Who: Parvati Patil, Juliet Orfanos
What: Juliet "investigates" what Parvati is doing making deals with Mikhail. Threats or veiled threats are likely leveled.
When: July 15, Afternoon
Where: Die Palazzo, London
Rating: OJ for OMFGJULIET. PG-13 or R for threats and frightening situations. *g*

This time, Parvati was on the balcony. There were no others in the club except for a few men in the bar below. This time, Parvati was dressed less traditionally- the hibab stayed, but her black clothing was not as loose. She'd been on the streets that morning making a deal and it was much easier to move rapidly without all the flowing fabric. She waited calmly, though with a distinctly ominous feeling, for Juliet.
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Adrian outsources some mayhem [Jul. 15th, 2009|11:40 am]
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Who: Adrian Pucey and Juliet Orfanos
What: Adrian has a problem that Juliet can solve, with extreme prejudice
When: Wednesday afternoon, 15 July
Where: Juliet's study room in the British Museum

it'll be a very bad day for someone. Quite possibly a terminally bad one. )
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Owl post to Parvati Patil [Jul. 15th, 2009|11:18 am]

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Ms Patil,

I would like to meet at your convenience to discuss recent business arrangements relating to your organisation. I believe the place where we last met will suit our needs admirably. In terms of scheduling, I am at your disposal.

Juliet Orfanos
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Dove post, 13 July to Juliet [Jul. 13th, 2009|01:36 pm]

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[Current Mood |contemplative]

[Written on the back of a flyer in Russian]

We have entered a form of partnership with the Droogs that are in London area. They are interested in knowing who is attacking us, but Mikhail is still acting as if our meeting went well. He has set up correspondence with the Droogs through me as what looks to be their leader fancies me.
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And you're lost quite classically with your nose in a book. [Jun. 25th, 2009|01:21 pm]

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[Current Mood |mellow]
[Current Music |Eisley, "Plenty of Paper"]

Who: Juliet Orfanos, and OPEN to anyone who might be at OWLS of a Thursday. Please do feel free to come bother Juliet, no matter how much she wants a quiet day.
What: A day's work, more or less.
Where: The parlour of Dungate House
When: Thursday afternoon, 25 June 2009

"...thank you, Madame Bragge. It's been a pleasure as always."

Madame Bragge replied that the pleasure was all hers, and wished Juliet a good afternoon before departing. Juliet sat back down in the leather wing-back chair and opened the book she had just received from Ann Bragge: a history of eleventh-century wards. She had other business to attend to, of course—especially that ridiculous affair with the American treasury notes in Italy; what were the Italians thinking? and roping the Japanese in? were they trying to cause a major international incident?—but after the last month or so she'd been having, she felt she deserved at least a little time to herself for some pleasure-reading.

A server brought her a fresh pot of tea and a small plate of sandwiches, and Juliet settled in for what she sincerely hoped would be a quiet afternoon.
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Past imperfect [Jun. 14th, 2009|08:55 pm]

[Current Mood |contemplative]

Who: Juliet Orfanos, solo RP
What: In which Juliet does some housekeeping at the family home, and in which there are also memories to be dealt with.
Where: Travers Close, Warwickshire
When: Saturday, June 13, 2009
Rating: PG to PG-13 for a moment of familial violence and some gory imagery. Also BL for Bloody Long. (Sorry about that. The whole thing kind of got out of hand.)

Perhaps her time, her family's time, was finished; perhaps the old ways really were attenuated into meaninglessness. The future lay elsewhere; here, at Travers Close, there was only the past. )
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[Jun. 1st, 2009|09:07 pm]
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Who: Seren Fawcett-Finnigan & Juliet Travers Orfanos
What: A visit and an offer of "aid"
Where: Eryri Ysbyty
When: Early afternoon, Sunday May 31
Rating: G
Status: Log;Complete

...have you been debriefed by the authorities on this incident? )
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Dove post, early 29 May [May. 30th, 2009|12:18 pm]

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[Current Mood |anxious]

[Message written in Russian on back of tattered flier]

Mikhail has been on the phone often talking to other Russians within the city. At least I think it is within the city. He's set up a meeting to talk to them face to face. I will keep you posted.
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Sing, Muse, of the passion of the pistol [May. 26th, 2009|10:46 pm]

[Current Mood |satisfied]
[Current Music |The Decemberists, "The Perfect Crime #2"]

Who: Juliet Orfanos, NPC Afanasiy Rhyzkov
What: In which two professionals of the old school size each other up and come to an agreement.
Where: Kensal Green Cemetery
When: Monday, 25 May 2009, afternoon
Rating: PG
Note: Thanks to Jess for providing Afanasiy!

Like a prize stallion from a match race. )
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I hope you remember to treat the gelignite tenderly [May. 24th, 2009|04:04 pm]

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[Current Music |Kate Bush, "There Goes a Tenner"]

Who: Juliet Orfanos, Marcus Flint, and Oswald Bole
What: In which there may or may not be honour among thieves.
When: During the day, Wednesday May 20 (backdated)
Where: A gastropub in Chelsea.
Rating: PGish
Note: Thanks to Jillian for providing Flint and Bole!

"Not a good day at all, is it?" Marcus asked as he took the cherry from the drink and sucked on it. )
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Message delivered early Friday morning. [May. 22nd, 2009|01:45 am]

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[Current Mood |content]

[Message written in Russian on a napkin]

Dove mail to Juliet )
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Lock the doors and close the blinds, we're going for a ride. [May. 17th, 2009|04:02 pm]

[Current Mood |cranky]
[Current Music |Scissor Sisters, "I Can't Decide"]

Who: Juliet Orfanos, NPCs Nikolai Kozlov, Markos Kapranos, and Davina Sisinis
What: In which Nikolai is prepared to deliver a message to the vory v zakone.
Where: An abandoned refinery building near the Thames.
When: Late at night, Sunday 17 May
Rating: R for violence, gore, and an extremely casual attitude towards human life of the Muggle kind. (I'm not kidding; this is kind of awful.)

No wonder why my heart feels dead inside; it's cold, it's hard, it's petrified. )
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