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October 1st, 2011

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_babble


The Angels and Demons post is still going. If you have an angel or a demon, please feel free to join up.

Also, those of you in that log, you don't have to restrict your characters to just that log. They can do other things at the same time.

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_babble

Summaries July 18-Aug 31

Buffy runs into Willow and is happy to discover it's not the Willow she ran into before.

Zoe and Watson talk about war.

Amy meets Hank, Hank meets The Doctor. Hank has a near aneurysm from happiness at the Tardis.

Charlie and the angel. But not Charlie's angel.

River Kills a guy. Oops.

Logan discovers something about Lorne that should have been obvious from the start.

Once upon a time this dick tells the cops they don't know what they're doing. But he's right, because he's Sherlock. Jennifer has no idea about him, but figures something out thanks to his help.

And then A whole bunch of people plot to storm the Arkham gates to save one little boy.

Beauty learns about vampires. Then runs away.

Baba Yaga tries to get Hank to be more accepting of himself. Of course, she doesn't go about it nicely.

Murder most foul! Veronica Mars is on the case!

The rescue happens! Some people get hurt, but that's okay. God is there to heal them.

The City Voice announces an escaped wolf and a naked guy.

It might be a bad idea to put Hank and Hannibal in the same room together. But it happened.

People around the city witness Frank and Candy's absurdly smiling faces as there are further issues with the wolf.

And she's down, ladies and gentlemen! We have our first victim! Amy Pond!

Amy spreads her infection to three doctors.

Buffy and Sam go a'huntin.

Hannibal explores his new cat form, and because he's a jerk, bites Jake to see what will happen.

Hank talks to the doctor again, this time as a bear.

Jack Heart comes to town and rescues a girl the same day.

Wanda isn't so sure about the eagle attacking her window, so she calls Dean.

Dick is bitten, Babs is just surprised to see him.

Fred had a man stay over! of course, he slept in another room.

Poor Willow gets infected by Logan!bunny. Better than a giant chicken, though.

Lestat is determined to kill the wolf with a little help from his witch-now-bird friend.

Eric gets pecked by a giant chicken. See? Bunny is better.

Dinah is trying to deal with Jake being broken by Jack. Poor kid was really messed up.

Harry agrees to teach River how to control herself better. And what Star Wars is.

Harry and Dinah talk for a bit.

Amelia is trying to figure things out. Sherlock is not being helpful.

At long last, Crowley and Az find each other!

Baba meets the tiny bat that is Eric. And laughs and laughs, and laughs.

Watson is becoming something else, Buffy and Willow try to help him.

Harry and Death go to the graveyard. Nope. Not a joke. Just something they did.

There's a little awkwardness between Harry, Dinah and Murphy.

Raven finds a place to hide and Arthur joins her.

Jareth meets Jack from Wonderland.

Deacon Frost finds himself City side with Veronica as a guide.

Charlie also gets bitten by the bunny.

Toot Toot joins the fun with Harry and Lorne.

Guy and Rose hide from the animals.

Batman and Black Canary have to take on three hyenas instead of just two.

Two big dogs chase after one small bunny.

Both Jesse and Baba discover the polar bear. Only one of them gets bitten.

Rufio finds a place to call home.

Ivy finds herself a new tree defender.

Sweeney thinks he's a badass after he's turned, but Fred thinks he's adorable.

Wonderland meets Neverland with a boy fairy thrown in for luck.

Another pair who probably shouldn't be in the same room together. Ivy and Deacon meet.

Dinah and Harry break up.

Dean tells Castiel to find a hobby. So Castiel leaves. Jimmy is confused.

Jesse gets Zoe to play fetch. It only works because he's a dog.

Baba also gets pecked by a giant chicken.

Eric and Lestat are having all kinds of problems with emotions and doorknobs.

Three dogs play in the park.

Jennifer decides to ignore her boss and not go outside at all.

They hunt together, they play together, things these two would never do as humans.

A tiny canary meets a giant firebird. They discuss their new lives.

Jesse gives Hank some blood.

Beauty runs into Lestat again. Uncomfortable.

Howl and Jareth try to get out.

Dean kills the wolf, everything goes back to "normal".

This time Fred does the saving.

Dinah and Fred have a day just for the girls.

There's tv to be watched, Dean and Dinah are the ones to watch it.

Rivalry! Giaus and Jackboth want the same thing!

Ted acts like a father figure. Rufio learns there's more girls want than donuts.

Ivy makes another new friend.

Jake finds his ship, Baba finds Jake.

Amelia learns some things.

Jack and Fred go on a date. Dawwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Amelia goes drinking. The bar's owner is there to help.

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_babble

Question kitty has some questions! Some character development questions!

• What is in your refrigerator right now? On your bedroom floor? On your nightstand? In your garbage can?

• Look at your feet. Describe what you see there. Do you wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Are you in socks that are ratty and full of holes? Or are you wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by your grandmother?

• When you think of your childhood kitchen, what smell do you associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant for you?

• You are doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for you to throw out? What is difficult for you to part with? Why?

• What is one strong memory that has stuck with you from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?

• You are getting ready for a night out. Where are you going? What do you wear? Who will uou be with?