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Apr. 17th, 2008


Thank You Thursday

I thought it would be nice to do something upbeat and positive. I've been really happy with WC as a game and thought instead of just beaming about it to myself or to Mila that it would be cool if we had a place where we could all just share what we like about the game.

So this is what I propose! In the comments write something about the game that you're thankful for. It could be a player, a character, a scene, the mod, The City itself or whatever! (If we keep it in the comments it won't eat up our friends pages.) Sometimes it's just nice to spread the love.

Jan. 27th, 2008


I'm a little retarded.

Apparently I didn't see the invites sitting on my WC journals. IJ didn't send me a notification and I didn't put two and two together and figure that Mila probably send out notifications.

So for those of you who were smart enough to figure it out, please feel free to giggle.

Those of you who occupy the same level of special ed as myself and wonder why you are not a member yet, go to the 'Asylums' area, Asylum invitations and click. You should see the invites there. Join. Post. Be merry.

This PSA of Captain Obvious Proportions is brought to you by the letter Q and the number 47.

Jan. 20th, 2008



So who's with me?!