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War Is Coming Communications.



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June 17th, 2010

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What is this?. Why do most of my demons look like one person now. It's frankly insulting. Its not a seal.

I blame the Celestials. This is obviously their doing

June 13th, 2010

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Been a while since I've thrown this out there, and we've got some new faces since then.

Name's Bobby Singer, and from time to time I run a boot camp, week-long, intensive training sort of thing to get the out-of-towners more familiar with the sorts of critters they're dealing with here. Theory is that if you can't learn it from me in a week you can't learn it at all.

If you're interested, drop me a line, 18 and up only please. Usually do this in groups of five and if anybody who's already done it needs a refresher? You're welcome to sign up again.

June 9th, 2010

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Ain't sure how you folks can keep your feet on the ground for so long.

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It'd be nice to have a job where I didn't get fired for hitting idiots. Screw not stealing anything. Goddamn seal.

Filtered against baddies

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As a warrior of the Sevateem, I feel like I should be doing more than just sitting here. I am not the kind of girl that just sits around and waits for trouble to come to me. I would much rather fight something that is not an immobile target. Give me something to do other than sit here!

I can only play chess with K-9 for so long before my nerves crack which is about two minutes. Is there anyone needing a sparring partner?

June 5th, 2010

Filtered against baddies.

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I'm still half-convinced that I'm dead. But at least I ain't on that island anymore.

Anyone got any cash I can borrow? I'll make it all kinds of worth your while.

Filtered Against Evil Intentioned

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God, I miss P3 Going to the 23rd Street Roadhouse for the rest of the night. To relax and have some fun. I'd really appreciate it if anyone who needs to be orbed anywhere just take a car or a bus. Or wait a couple of hours.

But if it turns out to be a life and death kind of thing, then call me. My cell phone will be on.

I don't think I have to explain to anyone what life and death is. But just to keep things crystal: A group of demons are meeting in California and are about to sacrifice ... something. That's life and death.

Bothering me because you're craving real Mexican food and don't want to deal with the crappy Tex-Mex stuff that Lawrence serves? Isn't life and death. Yes, I know. It's really, really crappy. Still not life and death. Though it'll probably be a quick way to piss me off.

If anyone wants to come with me. You're welcome, if you're an adult. Sorry. It's an adult bar. I'll be leaving in about twenty minutes. Give or take. So get your dancing shoes on and meet me in the lobby or at the Roadhouse.


June 4th, 2010

Filtered Against Baddies

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I spent the morning going to nurseries around here to see if any of them are hiring. Thankfully, one of them was extremely understaffed, so I get to start at Sunrise Garden Center tomorrow. I suppose this is one of the times where I can actually be glad that it's a good thing most people aren't too interested in plants.

It's too bad most of the ones here aren't as interesting as the ones back home.

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It's interesting, I've only been here a few days so I'm no expert on this place. But it seems to me that a lot of you are angry you're here.

Did you ever consider that it might be a blessing? A gift? A second chance if you will, maybe even your destiny.

June 2nd, 2010

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What the hell is going on? This ain't no damn island.
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