War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



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January 6th, 2011

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As much as I appreciate the room, it's like being back at NYU. And that's an experience I'd rather forget. So, who knows where the best part in this place is?

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The longer I wait for this place to end up bein' some crazy mindfuck or nightmare, the longer it ain't happening. Guess that's the sign I should probably be getting used to it.

Name's Connor MacManus. Where's the best place to get a hangover breakfast 'round here?

January 3rd, 2011

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What's going on? Where's Padmé?

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Okay. There wouldn’t happen to be someone around here named Gorgina Sparks, would there? Because I’m pretty sure that five minutes ago I wasn’t right here. So I’m thinking that after she showed up, she went all crazy girl (again), drugged me, and dumped me off here. I’m not sure why yet - especially since this is, you know, Kansas and I’m not convinced that she knows Kansas really exists - but I’m working on that part. But the last thing I remember was her showing up at my door, so that would make the jump to her a pretty logical one.

Did I mention she’s crazy? Because I’m talking full on fake names and accents so that she can get to people. And not in the James Bond Spy kind of way. More of a sociopath way.
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