War Is Coming Communications.

June 22nd, 2015

June 22nd, 2015

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So, I was with Kol and now he just is gone.

Totally and completely gone.

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What are the odds we actually just get to be ourselves for a while are?

No known Threats

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I miss Bell-

I wonder if there is some pattern to everything that has been happening this month or if it's just building to something or is just random. I suppose with the seal it could be either way.


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I think at this point you are the only male friend I have left and I need a male perspective on this situation I have found myself in. So say the Seal screws with things and you end up being the reckless, cocky and really flirty guy you used to be and you end up doing something with one of your employees you probably shouldn't have and you end up in bed with one of your best friends in the same week. And it isn't really weird but it is kind of weird? What the hell are you supposed to do in a situation like that? Because that's the situation I find myself in right now.

No Bad Guys

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Boredom's setting in again, and I figured I'd put it out there that I'm a hacker and really good at coming up with fake IDs and getting people set up with identities and credentials and stuff, if anyone needs it.

[Anyone Involved With Science Stuff]

I'm dying not being able to do any of the science stuff I used to do back home here. Absolutely dying. Is Stark Industries still up and running? Are there private labs anyone knows about in the area? I need something to do before I go nuts.

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If your boyfriend gets seal napped back home or wherever, is he still your boyfriend? and is it still cheating if you Or how long do you wait before you have to accept he might not be coming back?
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