War Is Coming Communications.

June 23rd, 2015

June 23rd, 2015


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Happy Birthday Elena!

Now, if I could actually see the birthday girl. Or, anything else, that would be fantastic.

Voice Post

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*panic is obvious in her voice*

EM! MONA! I can't see. What's going on? Anybody?

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The world has gone extremely, unnaturally quiet - either that or I can't hear anything. I've just about up to he

I've been sitting here trying to decide if all these bizarre things are connected, or if it just keeps happening - considering I think there have been weird things since I showed up, and so far no particular thread between them - it's really difficult to determine that.

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So apparently something decided my hearing was overrated. I can't hear anything.

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[Voice to Text]

I can't see

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[Voice to text]

Sage, sweetheart, I can't see

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What the actual fuck? Why can't I taste anything?

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[Typed and voice to text]

So it seems people have lost hearing, sight, and taste. Anyone else lost something not mentioned?

[Voice and text edit]
Add feeling to the list.

[Voice to Text]

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I appear to be back in the graveyard, oh and now I'm also blind, don't suppose anyone might be free to offer any level of assistance.

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ereal amsing. tke sight away from theguy who coulddo some damage with full sight.

[ooc: Light's not trying to use voice to text, but he lost sight!]

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Damn it all to hell! I can't taste my freaking pie!

Whatever this is. Whoever this is. I'm going to freaking shoot you in your damned face!
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