War Is Coming Communications.

February 11th, 2015

February 11th, 2015

Filtered from SHIELD people

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So, here it is. In all my life I have neer had to ask for dating advice. But how do you do Valentine's with the girl who's only just letting you back into her trust after you betrayed her, kidnapped her, killed a whole bunch of coworkers and nearly drowned two of her closest friends? Oh and then couldn't stop from being kidnapped by your insane mentor.

Cause I figure dinner and a movie won't cut it.

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Could someone please explain to me why in the bloody hell a naked man hugged me today?

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You owe me.

[Bobby Singer]
Thank you.

You know, for the whole getting me back to the apartment building and getting that I'm not evil and everything.

So, do you have time after one of your classes this week for more questions?

Bobby Singer mentioned people who wished for unlimited wealth, you wouldn't happen to know a few of them would you?

I'm heading back to the apartment now. Need anything?

We're going out. And not talking about the naked guy hug thing
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