War Is Coming Communications.

August 12th, 2014

August 12th, 2014

No known threats, whatever dicks those are nowadays. And no Lee.

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I'm declaring boys night!  Tonight, in Purgatory.

Be there, or be a dick.  Your call.


Found us some werewolves that need killing.  Leave tomorrow?


Taking Ward on a hunt, baby.  We're not going too far, so we'll only be a couple of days.


So, Elena's birthday's soon.  Want to help me organize a party?


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I'm going on a hunt with my time off. Which you owe me for Harry's little stunt. No more than a few days but I need someone to watch the puppy.

I can probably ask a friend if you're not able. But then I'd have to explain the puppy. And that'd lead to questions about the past I don't want right now. 

If you can't maybe Skye or Simmons might?

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Thanks for the beach day, Ariel. I enjoyed going with you again. Ares enjoyed running around in the sand. We'll have to do it again soon.

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[Beacon Hills]
So, this baking competition. We need to set some ground rules.

Starting with what kind of baked goods we want to make, they should be in the same category. So, no pies vs cakes vs cookies.

Ms. McCall and Mr. Argent can be the judges. Unless you want to bring in outside judges too, but at least each of them would have one child on each team.

I know you don't want to know what's happening on
But I think my
No, I'm sure she's

You're at work, right?

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[FILTERED TO FRIENDS (but not Caroline* and not family) + STEFAN]
[*sorry, Caroline, she learned from that mistake last time Klaus read over someone's shoulder!]

So, apparently part of the process is being honest with loved ones, so here I go.

I have an eating disorder. Specifically, I can't feed on blood. Ever since the Cage, I've been unable to keep any down. But, for the past few weeks I've been in therapy with Claire Callahan, a fact only a couple of people have known. I'm working on it. I don't know how long it'll take or anything, but apparently being open with people I trust is a way to help. Obviously, I'd appreciate it if this isn't common knowledge though.

Kol and Elijah have been amazingly supportive, and I'm so grateful to them both. And Stefan, well, Stefan has been my rock. I could not have managed any of this without him, he has gone above and beyond in the Supportive Husband stakes.

Also, so people are aware, Niklaus has decided he's disowning the rest of us and that he intends to have complete custody of Henrik. So there's that. He's made his decision and I'm not going to fight him on it.


I have decided something. Apparently Niklaus is taking Henrik and Caroline to New Orleans. I've been spending the past few months trying to be here for other people, trying to make them happy and I want to get out of here. Not forever, because I have friends here, not to mention my therapist, but I'm going to take the vacation time I'm owed from work and I want to travel somewhere with you for a week. Maybe two if Claire thinks I'm okay to miss one session with her. What do you think? Shall we pack some things, take out some money and go to the airport and just take the next plane out of the country with free seats? See where that takes us, maybe travel some place else if we want, make it all up as we go along?


I'm usually too emotional during our sessions to actually say anything, but thank you, for everything you're doing. It really means a lot to me.


• Some classy notebooks and a pen set.
• A card with neat calligraphy writing: "For when school starts"

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[OOC: Backdated to this morning because it's been a pain getting my phone to cooperate today]

So I'm afraid I won't be coming back until late this evening or possibly very early tomorrow morning. I gave up my seat to a lovely man returning from Afghanistan. He's from Lawrence, actually, and he's offered to take me to dinner this week as thanks. And the airline is upgrading me to first class but I'll need to leave this evening. They're still trying to figure out what the fastest way to get me back to Kansas is where there's an available seat. But I do plan on coming back, I swear.


I promise I will whisk Ava away tomorrow. And I also promise I will take her for at least five hours. I'm going to aim for noon so I can have time to get ready before I go out to dinner, if Khan still wants to. Or would another time work best?

Accidental Voice Post

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Operator? Hello?




I want to be connected to a Rafe McCawley, United States Army Air Corp. The outfit will be in Hawaii. Or California... I'm not sure where they are right now but I need to talk to Captain Rafe McCawley.


Operator? Is anyone receiving me?

[OOC: Take two. Rachel and Hannah, I haven't removed the previous post yet, in case you wanted to copy what you said before. I'll probably remove it tomorrow or something like that.]
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