War Is Coming Communications.

August 16th, 2013

August 16th, 2013


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I know learning how to protect yourself is probably more important, but how would you feel about a movie night this weekend? At my place. I'd say a night exploring downtown and shopping, but it's a little dangerous right now for that.

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I see you are moving. I think it's a good idea.


Can I ask you about something?

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[Texts to Adam Hauptman]

  • Hey.
  • It's me.
  • Are you up?
  • Filtered against evil

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    Heard there's a lot of new arrivals. Hello, my name is Scorpius Malfoy. I'm a wizard. From Hogwarts, and those HP books. Though technically, I'm a footnote in the last chapter and younger at the time, but whatevs. Okay, so let's hope this works We do truly need more on for teams But I'm curious about something. A magic game called Quidditch. I've spoken of it before, but more for players and people who might like to see it here. No need to go watch our people on a DVD movie.. nope, you can see it right here in Kansas, live and in person. Though it's hidden from muggle stuff like airplanes and such. Don't want to expose magic, could be bad. But there's a way around that too, got some charmed glasses that lets anyone see wizard stuff. Okay, so.. the point. Alrighty. Players! Who would like to play with us for a game now and then? We're looking to have one very soon. But we need people

    Having magic ability isn't needed. Brooms are charmed to fly and be comfortable, and the supplies are magical too. And don't worry if a lot are interested, and if you're concerned if there's still room. We can use reserve players too. Everyone who would like to participate, I think they should have the chance to do so. The info on the game is here. So if interested, give your name and what position you'd like to play. We already have a couple Seekers and a Keeper (and couple other positions playing) but there's plenty of room for more. Though.. usually there's only two Seekers to a match. Oh well, maybe a way around it. We'll have more than just one game, so one of us can maybe do another position instead while the reserve Seeker gets a shot.

    Filters to; Lily Luna, Regina, and HP/Hogwarts residence )

    No evil

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    So, drinks tonight. Heading to Bed of Roses if anyone's interested in tagging along.


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    I found a picture of your little facetwin from an old episode of ER. Kind of cute, if you ask me.

    Filtered to Damon and Bo D

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    Think you two could be a bit more careful with your filtering? Trying to explain to a four year-old what you guys got up to because she can read Bo filters was not my idea of a pleasant day. I made up so many lame stories the truth would've been easier.

    Filtered from Evil

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    ...hangovers. I will have hangovers! This is depressing

    So is being carded.

    But Spike, excellent night! I am almost disappointed we didn't have sex yet.


    Filtered to Vampires

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    So I was thinking--which apparently happens a lot at night when I’m in a new country by myself and enjoying the beauty of Ireland. But anyway, I’m totally a newbie vampire and I know Vicki is as well and I’m sure there are probably others of us who aren’t super duper old here and I was thinking you know what would be fun and educational?

    Vampire meetings!

    Not to be confused with the class thing that Rebekah does because you can’t really ask or discuss during that class the best places to compel your way into for bloodbags or tips on how to control your bloodlust or a billion other questions that I’m sure some of us have.

    Plus there can be story telling. Who doesn’t like telling stories? I mean, really, some of you love to go on and on and on about your accomplishments.

    There could be cookies! Store bought. I'm not baking.

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    [Damon Salvatore]

    Do you want to go out for a drink? I'd like the chance to get to know you again and I think I've adjusted enough to this place to go out. It'd have to be at night though.

    Filtered against Evil

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    Still not
    Nope, I did not see that at all

    So, as nice as a break from work is, well, I'd like to be able to work. What would be the best way to go about this? While I have experience as a bartender, if I could get back involved with the FBI, that would be ideal. If that's even possible.


    How are you doing?

    Force Users sans Luke

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    Do excuse me while I go and hit something repeatedly for a while. Also don't worry, I'm still here.

    [OOC: As of posting this, Mara's concealed her presence in the Force so as not to let her emotions bleed into everyone else.]

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    »Okay so eventually Allison and I are going to watch the recaps of "our show."
    » You bet your ass you're gonna be there for moral support.
    » And I'm being kidnapped by her this weekend.
    » But don't worry, we're safe.

    No Evil

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    What the Sithspit!? I'm quite positive this isn't Yavin 4 or any sort of Rebel Base.

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    [Cas and Robin]
    Thanks. For the other day. And sorry. It won't happen again.

    I shouldn't have
    That was
    Fuck it.

    I need to get the fuck out of here. Drinks later? Possibly some pool or something, if you like?

    [Texts to Ginger]
    » Hey lady
    » Happy birthday
    » Yeah, I know, I'm late. Fuck off. :P
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