War Is Coming Communications.

July 8th, 2013

War Is Coming Communications.


July 8th, 2013

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[Friends Filter]

There are, at my last count, at least seven new people in this round of Seal crazy dropping.

Is it bad that I honestly don't know if I have my usual peppy 'welcome to Lawrence, here's all the things ever' in me right now? I mean, I could try. But it'll be a few days.


I'm sorry )

No evil

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[ooc: tiny 3x06 teaser trailer spoilers ahead, fyi!]
Read more... )

(ETA after prompting by Mercy) Filtered against evil

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Hello? Um. Hi. I don't really know what's going on but the girl at the diner said I could find answers here. Does anybody know a woman named Mercy? Or or Adam. I'd be okay with him too.

Edited against Evil post info dump link

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I was told I would find information here. What is this place and its fortifications against Titans? I need to find the

Lois and Clark

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I don't feel all that well.

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[Filtered against evil]

So. Once again, I'm a captain without a ship. And for the second time I'm stuck somewhere with no clue about anything. Anyone know a place I can crash, get my bearings again? And can someone help me figure out this time a bit better? I know a few things, but there's a whole hell of a lot I don't understand. Bones would be laughing his ass off right now, I can tell...

[Filtered to Oswin]

If I offended you at all, I'm sorry. I flirt. It's my thing. Maybe I can get you a drink sometime? I could definitely use one sometime soon, if someone can explain to me how your money works so I can buy one.

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[OOC: After seeing Rose's post, Sherlock may or may not have directed Lestrade to go to her place. With Mrs. Hudson. Whether he told him to or not (you can't prove he did!), the goat showed up at her door with the kitten on it's back, sometime this afternoon. If asked, he will deny involvement. Adamantly.]

no evil

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I am enjoying farming again. When I started in Kyoto I was awful but now I seem to have improved greatly. There will soon be leeks carrots blueberry and blackberry for everyone to try I'm sure.

No Evil

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The dictionary defines boredom as the state of being weary and restless through lack of interest. I'm adding Tinker Bell as one of the examples.

[Magic Users]
Is there a spell or charm that can allow me to fly for short periods of time?

[House Warehouse (minus Myka)]
Can we get a hermit crab?

Filtered Against Evil As A Whole

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Now that I'm not on the streets I guess I need a next move? Last thing I remember was being in 1997 and having just stared down a serial killer.

So cue a very bad night last night.

Any one bedrooms free? I know I'm not ready for a room mate in this state.


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Connor has a new boyfriend.

What is my life?

Filtered to Hermione.

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I tried to

I can't wait anymore.

Are you one hundred percent on that potion?

no evil

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I'm bored.

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I miss y
how are y
Do you wan

I've been thinking and
I shouldn't have been
You were
...fuck. You don't need to hear this shit. Never mind.

[Ex-FN Vampires (sans Amy)]
Is anyone else finding it next to impossible to talk to people now? Or is that just me?
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