War Is Coming Communications.

April 15th, 2013

April 15th, 2013

filtered against evil and kids

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This facetwin stuff is really strange sometimes. I just saw my dad get chopped in half in a movie.


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Alex's leaving and your need for distractions. Connected?

Evil? No, no, none of that now!

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I miss my Grumpy old Bear. Seal, you can send him through any time now, k? K. Thanks. Preferably from before the

Think your girls would be cool with hangingout with Tinker Bell? She's kinda wanting a change of scenery...and probably people closer to her age around.

Filtered against Epiphany Greaves. And Spike. ETA: And evil.

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[posted around 3am, but I'm not going to be up then, so.]

I like this song. The light of her own, the fire and the sense of purpose. I used to I wish

I don't know who the cartoon is, but she's got the burning down too. Especially when the song says "burn with a light of my own" and she's got that flare of fire from both hands.

[Willow, Xander, Dawn]

I have something I really ought to tell you about, about where I was before I was here. I think Dawn knows, and maybe Xander, but I should tell you anyway.

[Elena, Meg]

I should say something I'm sorry about what happened.

Harry L.

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I may need to up my dosage after this but I have had an interesting...revelation.

I'm bored. Fix it.

No evil

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Think I'll go shoot the seal. Who's with me?

Filtered Against Evil

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For anyone who is interested, we now have the dates for the fundraiser review for the theatre.

Friday April 26th and Saturday April 27th at 7:30.


I do not know if you recognize me, but my husband and I helped Eponine get you to the medbay. How are you settling?

[Eponine and Enjolras]

How are you two holding up?

no evil and no FUCKING vampires

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Funny how everyone's so quick to assure me that it's okay, that my disliking vampires is fucking understandable, right up until I actually say anything against something they do that hurts someone. Then suddenly I'm just being an unreasonable douche bag. None of you fucking get it at all. You don't fucking know shit and you don't care. You just want me to shut the fuck up and go along with the crowd, well, fuck all of you. I'm getting fucking sick of being attacked over this shit. I fucking leave them alone, so if they're all so much fucking light and roses, why can't they fucking do the same?

So much for my good mood.

Midori does not work in coffee. That experiment was a fucking waste of perfectly good Midori. And coffee.

[Rooftop boys]
Drinks tonight? At [random bar name]?

[ooc: Sorry, Lee, Peter is completely ignoring your last reply. He didn't read it and doesn't plan to, he just wants to ignore everything, atm]

Tinker Bell

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I talked to Svetlana and green means go for you to hang out with the mini-Russians Sergievsky girls today at 4. We can head over around 3:45. I can stick around or just drop you off, whichever you're more comfortable with, really.

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Are you done too?


Can we talk... about Sam?


I have a question. You... of everyone here you may know best.

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[Texts to Lexi]

>> I'm kidnapping you
>> We're having spa time
>> No, tell Lee he can't come
>> If he comes he's getting purple sparkly glitter skin treatments like a Sparklepire
>> And no one wants that

Filtered against the evilness

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So classes, fun right?  Is it okay that I like the sword stuff better than the book stuff?  Also, the diagrams of different kinds of vampires and demons could totally work as a children's book.  Just saying.


I'm seriously considering making pom poms to pass out at the next magic show!  Also, before I forget, I heard you are the gal Friday to talk to about ID and stuff?  I need to job hunt and as much as I hate it, no putting it off.  Don't suppose I can get a little upgrade as well?  You know something more than High School survivor and vampire's book keeper?

Filtered against evil

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We watched the movie in class today. The.

Do I...ever un...obliviate my parents? Is that possible?


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How'd that hunt go, then, mate?

[Ruby W. & Dean]
So. Castiel comes to me asking about humanity and said something about trying to help a friend. It's Sam. And he mentioned the Devil-made dreams. Is there nothing, between all the magic and such here, that can block him out of Sam's head? Make it harder to get in, at least? I've no doubt you lot've done everything you can, but I was just wondering...you'd think there'd be something.

Filtered Against Evil

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Why is there SO. MUCH. HOMEWORK???

...and why does Hermione keep smiling at it? I love her, but sometimes I really worry about her...
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