War Is Coming Communications.

July 14th, 2012

July 14th, 2012

Filtered Against Baddies, Katherine, and Moriarty

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Okay guys. I didn't really do this part yesterday what with the whole HOLY CRAP WHAT IS THIS thing going through my brain, so I figured better slightly late than never, right?

My name is Stephanie Brown. I'm 19 and a fighter/psudo-detective, but I hear that there's already lots of fighters around but one more can't hurt, right? And I don't mean I go out looking to cause trouble or anything like that, I just do the whole standing-up-for-the-right-thing thing. And I've been doing that since I was 14.

Oh, and I'm from Gotham City.

So, once my brain settles some more I'm going to want to help around here somehow. I hear we're in a bit of an Apocalypse situation and, you know, hopefully that can be stopped.

PS: And since my life story is on the internet anyway, I might as well point out that I'm Batgirl. It's so weird being able to tell people that...

Filtered Against Evil and Moriarty, Gaia, Emma and Katherine

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Mixing beer and scotch and tequila is a very bad, bad idea.

Filtered against Moriarty, Katherine, evil

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I don’t think I have ever been this happy to fact check other reporter’s articles in my life. But the whole ‘out sick with the flu’ excuse only goes so far and while, thankfully, the editor is buying the whole Doc says I’m too contagious to go out in public at the moment, he still wants me to do some work. I will so happily do all of the annoying grunt work until this damn thing is over.

Are there been any updates though?

How did it go in Canada, Team...Canada? We really need to come up with team names.

Does anyone know how Emma is doing?

By the way, Clark, the flu made you so dehydrated that you landed yourself in the hospital. Jerry, from reception, is absolutely devastated and wants to know which one so he can send you flowers. I am loving this forever.

Call directly to Helena, encrypted and filtered

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Call directly to Helena, encrypted and filtered )

filtered from evil, katherine and moriarty

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It is strange when you research something and find out that a day you were told would be of importance, a day where everything would change is still remembered and celebrated over two hundred years later, in countries all over the world.

Though, with everything happening in the city right now, there is not much to do beyond research these things to try to get a better understanding of this time and place. It still is strange, though.

Text to Peter

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» Shit, I hate having to So, clearly now is a bad time to bring Ames back and I'm not gonna.
» And I ain't the beggin' type. But we're running low on funds, at least on my end and we still gotta eat.
» I can fuckin' do odd jobs around here probably for gas money, if we gotta dip into it, but the longer we're out of Lawrence, the more I gotta work and that means the more Amy's on her own in a big ass city.
» You're gonna need to wire us some cash, man, or I gotta bring her back; I'm not leavin' her to rot in my van alone while I work just to keep food in her stomach, that's too risky
» ...so...do with that what you will, I guess.

Filtered to the Winchesters

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Heard ya'll were the ones to see about protection from demons?

text to Peeta

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»Can I ask you something?
»And keep in mind that if you laugh I'll lock Buttercup in your apartment next time you go out.

Filtered to Rose Tyler

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[Filtered to Rose Tyler]
So...what's the deal with my sister and this Anakin guy?

[Sam and Ruby]
So...uh, Elena directed me with my question of asking you guys if the resurrection ring I have would interfere with the amulet given different magicks or whatever?

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Goodness! There has been terrible excitement in the air over the last couple of weeks. So many emotions floating around, all wily-nily.

It's riveting and wonderful and so terribly pleasing. Things are coming along nicely.

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, and Katherine

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...I found out where I got my...face, I guess. There was a woman and a little girl that came in for dinner today at work and they had accents like Rose did Hermione and they thought I was someone who was in the Wizard of Oz on um...West End? Is that right? Is it weird if I look this girl up...? Because now I'm curious...

Filtered to Natasha

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Hypothetically, let's say I mentioned my skills with a bow to Dark again and never missed a shot and now he wants to challenge said skills. What would you do?

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[Filtered to Maria Hill]
We need to suit up. Barton needs backup.

[Filtered to Chloe Sullivan]
If I asked you to maintain surveillance on a phone, just for tonight, would you be able to?
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