War Is Coming Communications.

June 21st, 2012

June 21st, 2012

Filtered to Ares

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I'm going to kill her you know. If she keeps this idiotic prattle up

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Whatever. I'm over this.

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Okay, I get it. Biblical seals broken, fire and brimstone rah rah--which a few years back I’d have had a much harder time wrapping my head around. But once you’ve dealt with a few rounds of possession, barn doors flying off to attack you while you’re simply trying to run down a road in Smallville, or alien orbs--biblical seals being broken just doesn’t sound that far fetched.

But the problem I currently have is that back home my baby cousin is missing. And while, sure, family isn’t that important to everyone, it’s helluva lot important to me. Especially when it concerns her. And while the Blur might be out there trying to find her, she’s my responsibility.

So yes I know, no way to get home blah blah blah, that doesn’t mean no one’s trying to figure it out. Someone out there must be, so hit me up, because if I have to walk through fire to get back to Chloe, I’ll do it.

Text to Sam

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>>Still alive over there Sam?

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I don't normally like to burst out with outright accusations, but who brought me here? I'm sure we can settle this without a fight.

posted all around the complex

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In true Brittany fashion, she's posted fliers all over the complex in spaces people are sure to see. These fliers have hand drawn unicorns and rainbows and the following message...
'Come cheer for Brittany's students and Natasha at
[address and time] this saturday at their first local dance competition!'

Text to Connor

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>>I suck at introductions.
>>Remind me not to do that again kay?

Filtered to Clark

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Um, so how much are we gonna tell her?

Roger and Angel (Dumott)

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I don't know if either of you saw the post or not, but that Peter guy posted the other day about starting up a theatre group. But musicians and such are welcome, too. So if either of you are interested, talk to him. There seems to be several people interested so far. Just passing it along for something fun to do between the fucking insanity of this place?

Filtered against the usual suspects + Livia and Ares

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Really, Seal? Really? Fucking Lois Lane, that's just perfect. Great timing. Awesome.

[ooc: added in a few minutes later]

[Peter, Florence, Cin]
Oh good, insult to injury. So stoked. Really. Today is awesome, guys.

[ooc: later still]

February 18, 1990: "Who needs enemies when you're friends with Ethan Ainsley?" Please come take away my tablet, Florence, I can't

Filtered against evil

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Alright, I walked by a store today and saw our my face on a shirt. A shirt. I know a lot of us are supposed to be fictional or whatever, but reading it on a post and seeing my face on a freakin' shirt are two whole different leagues of a thing. I couldn't help it, I went in. I know, I know, bad idea, whatever. I went in there and I just...I read a few of them. It made my goddamn skin crawl. Knowing that people know about all that. It's just...everything. It's all there, in the comic books and on the internet. I'm pretty sure I screamed at the bloated nerd behind the counter for almost ten minutes.

I know some of you have been here forever or something, so you've probably already dealt with this, but maybe you could help me out by filling me in on how we're supposed to do that? I don't like the idea that people can just open up a comic book and read about the kind of monster I a used to be am trying not to be.

I need a drink. Do you need a drink? I think there should be drinks.
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