War Is Coming Communications.

June 20th, 2012

June 20th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, and Katherine

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Uh...right then...

Jess just...randomly started crying and she won't tell me why. Did you ever get anywhere with that post of yours? I might've been following it for a bit but there hadn't been anything useful at the time...don't suppose you could help me out, hey? I don't know what to do...

Filtered against evil, emma, moriarty.

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Sherlock is going to run himself down at this r

[Text to Sherlock #1]
You need a break.

[Text to Sherlock #2 a few minutes later]
No matter how many times you glare at me, I'm not going to stop texting you until you take one.

[Text #3]
When you stop, I'll stop.

[Text #4]
Throwing things at me is not a break.

[Text #5]
I'm going to start posting pictures of you on the internet if you don't stop working soon.

[Text #6]
Yes I'm aware I'm doing this in the same room. If you want to stop me you'll have to stop working, get up and do it.

Filtered against evil, Moriarty and Katherine and those under 18

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I learned a new word today.

Sapiosexual. A noun meaning a person who is sexually attracted to intelligence in others.

This modern word explains so much about me. I rather like this word.

Now let us hope this doesn't make things awkward
For the first time in a long time I am actually in a good mood

filtered against evil, moriarty, katherine and emma

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Apparently I need to take 'breaks' and be social. To show I'm still around or something like that. So this is me being social and wasting time when there are cases to be worked on.

Carry on.

filtered against evil, moriarty and katherine

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Well, that was unexpected. Anyone know who left two tickets to Roots Festival next month under the door to the apartment?

Filtered Against Evil ++

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I saw myself on a commercial this morning. That's definitely a bit strange. I was aware I was fictional, but I did not realize there was another woman out there with my face.

Video below the cut. )

Filtered against evil

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I think I have the hang of this now, so I should probably say hello as apparently this is some form of communication. Name's Xena. I'm a friend of Gabrielle, Iolaus and Hercules and mother of Eve. Or I guess it's Livia again currently.


I knew you had to be around here because my skin is crawling.


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I think it's high time you left Xena and her daughter alone, don't you?

Filtered against evil

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Would anyone be up for sparring?

filtered against evil

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Has anyone seen Rose Weasley back in Lawrence? I check in on people, while I'm away, with the Force, and I can't find her. Maybe it's just the sun, if I couldn't heal I'd be burned as

...I think she's gone.

Filtered against evil/Moriarty/Katherine

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...Rose is gone, isn't she? I was just starting to get to really kno I hate the seal more and more every day. I wish it would just take me back and take my memor Ron, Harry, Neville? You're still here, right? I don't know what I'd do if

Filtered to Florence

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...I believe I've located something of yours. on Sherlock's mantle but
leaving that part

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ok eeryone LRET IT BE KNwN that no oneehre is gona be hapy its not alowed cos were alldomed to ehter be malled oR banshed by thee sea
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