War Is Coming Communications.

April 13th, 2012

April 13th, 2012

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Left by Sherlocks bed table )

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In theory, if I have the opportunity to figure out how to make lightsabers here, would that be a good idea?

I could see it being dangerous if they were to get out, we don't want the general public to have that kind of weapon, or even know it exists, but at the same time it might be useful to be able to make them, or something similar, here... and with the tech at work, it's more likely to be possible than without it.

I just wasn't sure how wise it would be. If there are any major concerns I'll scrap the idea and find some other project to focus on, but I figured I should run that by everyone else, first, before I decided.

[Sam Winchester]

Any more hunts in the area?

[Aunt Mara]

Do you need anything? I'm gonna pick up some groceries on the way back from work today, but I wanted to know if you had any requests, grocery or otherwise?


Having a nice vacation?

Filtered against evil, Moriarty and Katherine

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Today...was a really good day :) About freaking time, too

I think I got a job!

I saw what
I shouldn't have been reading Moriarty's post but
Are you okay...?

Filtered to Caroline

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Heads up Forbes. I hear some old woman wants to drag you out to prom

Filtered to the Doctors of the Who variety

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Would either of you three mind taking my father and I to Japan for a while today? We want to have a father-daughter dinner in Tokyo, and then find him a suit of samurai armor. Pretty please? If not I will totally fly there myself

Filtered against evil, Emma, and Moriarty and evil vampires

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Oh god. how did it take me so long to rememRichard Brook. It's bloody starting again.

Filtered against Evil.

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Do teachers required to go to prom as a chaperone or only if they volunteer to be there? This is my first experience as an educator so I'm not really sure how all of this works.

EDIT: My question was answered. Now I need to decide what answer to give when I'm asked. Would you chaperone Prom if you had the chance?


How are you holding up? Have you been help to move on a little? I mean from what you posted a few weeks ago. I left you a comment but I didn't hear back, which left me wondering about how you're doing. Maybe we can get together and talk in person as opposed to on here. What do you think?


Have you come up with any more vampire repelling things yet? I had to defend myself the other night so I'm especially interested in seeing what has been developed since we last talked. Too bad there isn't a vampire equivalent to bug spray to keep them away!

No Evil or Moriarty or Katherine or...nope, that's all

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Happiness is turning on the tell tv and finding the face of someone who enjoys making you feel ridiculous pretty consistently playing the part of a servant to some royals. For the man itching for a knighthood, this is actually both appropriate and hilarious.

Extra happiness is then wondering what the faces of the other people you used to work with do. And finding my old crush future fiancee flatmate from home in a 90s pop band looking kind of ridiculous. But still really hot

Also found Action Man in a movie called Hot for Leather (I don't want to know), the Queen of Evil playing the Queen of England, our PR rep facing ice monsters in the Arctic, and one of my closest friends as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

And then I found the video game with me in it and I'm officially out of commission while I search for it on eBay. Being fictional is weird, but hey, it has its moments!

Filtered against the usual evils

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School is school. Everyone's getting all excited about the prom. I guess there's the junior prom, but I don't think I'm going. I'm still really behind in my classes since I started in the middle of the school year.

[Filtered to Elena]
I think I've said this about a million times, but I really miss Bonnie.

Filtered against evil about a half an hour after posted

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Okay. Can we just take a second to talk about reality television? I can't decide if I love it or hate it, but either way I can't stop watching it for the life of me.

So, in an attempt to save myself from the reality television and ice cream binge eating super combo, I'm heading out on patrol. Who knows what the creepy crawlies get up to on Friday the 13th.

filtered aganist moriarty cause hescrazee and dummnb and the DEVL this filter si alsolong

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heey gusy i kind of love yuoj so yuo knw and its not evn a lie. sherlck yu are a humnan an mayb even soem day uouyll be a good ne to tehm cause you arr to me. i got ouy a skull adn naemed him gilbert
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