War Is Coming Communications.

September 22nd, 2011

September 22nd, 2011

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Do you all understand yet?

It seems I must turn to other methods to spread the Truth.

More will die unless you give me the Jedi. All of them

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You're all still fighting hm?...trust me, it'll be better in the wash if you just give it up now. It won't be for much longer anyway.

Oh and one more thing. Sam says I need to kill you now. =)

Who to start with first?..choices choices.

Filtered against evil

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So it seems a plan is being worked out for the twin killer. Frankly I support all plans to that effect and am for the first time grateful Cersei isn't here with me.

That said, what about the other one. He's equally dangerous. This nonsense about not being able to kill them is ridiculous. Are we just supposed to let more die?


How are you settling in? It's not the most perfect of situations you'll agree but perhaps we can do something about that.

[Princess Daenerys]

If you would Princess, might you come to my rooms. I wouldn't ask only I would feel more confident in keeping you safe from these madmen if you were to stay there


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I'm sure you've noticed, but something is wrong with Booth, so don't trust him until he's normal again. I'll handle it.


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[[Backdated to a few minutes after alt!Clark kills Kon]]
You need to go into my room and get a lead box from under my bed. There's kryptonite inside. I can't be the one to hold onto it any more.

Kon's dead. The Clark that's here now killed him.

The door's unlocked. I had to go.

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Who: Allana (Narrative)
What: Realizing Kon is dead. Dealing with this as Hapans do: getting very calm and grabbing weapons.
When: The end of This thread
Where: Her apartment
Warnings: :(

'Only the people we love deserve to see our true emotions,' Tenel Ka had told her daughter, 'and sometimes not even them.'  )

Filtered against evil-intentioned

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Alright, we're back in Kansas now. Prue and I just got into the apartment complex. I missed being around here, even if it is completely insane right now Got a lot of pictures of our trip for her scrapbook too.

Filtered against bad guys

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Uh. It looks like a meteor hit in the center of town, what's up with that?! There wasn't anything on the news, or else I missed it...

Hey, what are you doing right now? You should come hang out again. I'm SO BORED and kinda dying for some Chinese f I miss your cutie face, kiddo kiddo :P

I haven't heard from you in a while...and I'm nervous about that, sweetie. With all the crazy shit I'm seeing on the news lately...check in and let me know you're okay?

You're still you, right? How long before everything goes back to normal...? I love Jo, I really do, but I'm pretty much over staying at the Roadhouse. I miss my apartment, but I'm scared to go back right now...

Filtered to Jess M.

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Hey, Jess? Are you sure that the other Kyle doesn't have a girlfriend?
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