War Is Coming Communications.

July 27th, 2010

July 27th, 2010

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All those things that happened
I'm no better than my Dad

I need to go. I need some time to think. I'll be back when I'm ready.

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Anyone do tattoos? Done trusting that damn amulet.

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Leela )

Dr. Tam )

Private )

Filtered to Robin

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[Filtered to Martha]
got anymore ice packs?

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I didn't mean to be so mean!

Filtered to Castiel

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Is there any way that I can change back, Stop being...

I want to be there for Sam and I want to be free of Lucifer. Do you know anything? I don't care if it hurts. I'll do it. I want Sam to be able to touch me without the blood being an issue.

Is there something? You've been around practically forever

Filtered Against Baddies

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I se a lot of people are talking about geting the devils traps tatos. I got mine at BDC Tatto over on Massachusetts, they did a good job. Im prety sure they only do walkins on Saturdays, but they also do apointemts. Hope that help's.

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Saying I never want to do that again would be the understatement to end all understatements. 

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Just what have you Winchesters been up to this time?
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