War Is Coming Communications.

January 5th, 2010

War Is Coming Communications.


January 5th, 2010

Filtered to Lois and Kara -- and accidentally filtered to Clark*

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Okay, Lane. Spill. I want to know what these plans that you had with Kent were. You two can't keep yo-yoing me around. Either you're an item or you're not or you're something. But give that something a title! Because I'm tired of saying too much or not guessing it right or making innuendo that have the two of you being repressed again. There are plans that involve you two and a closet and everyone is behind it. Don't make me use that closet.

*[ooc: andrea accidentally put up her last filter to that group (including clark) aka known as mun's are evil]

text; andrea

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Not in Laurence. Haven't been taken or possessed. Back sometime, maybe. Feel better, and sorry to leave you.

Text to Needy

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don't freak out. went to hit clark with shoe. be back later

Filtered to Buffy, Andrew, Paige & Needy

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I think I would very much like to teach the children.

I'm more than qualified. My IQ is above any genius level on this world and thats not being ostentatious. I don't mean to be.

But all the same they need to be taught and there are a few of age for it. Is there any way I could do it and they'd still take their state exams and such?

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I hate Marvel comics. And Nicolas Cage. But mostly Marvel.

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I really want to play Quidditch. Haven't a clue on how to properly charm a broom.

Oi, smarter people! Can't we do something about this?

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Dean and I did some talking. )

Text to Andrew

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We're in [Town], Colorado. I miss vampires just coming to me in grave yards. And Willy. Might have found something, we're going to check it out now. Both of us are okay.

[text sent a few hours later]
Vampires here look weird.

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I just read every single play ever written by Shakespeare that’s in print. I feel dead inside and the only things I can hear are passages from Hamlet. I have this fear that I’ll never think like a normal person ever again.

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everyone read this, because I spent time typing it. I don't care if you reply, but this is how it is )

Filtered against baddies

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Just in case anyone was looking to get that tattoo done instead of wearing charms? I can do it for you. It's called a rune, and I can put it on your with something called a stele. The exact symbol. A whole lot faster than a tattoo artists can do, with zero health risk and it's permanent. And it's free. Still hurts, but it's over fast. So juts for future reference if anyone is interested.

Filtered to(in alphabetical order!): Andrea, Bart, Clark and Lois.

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I'm going to be staying in South Dakota longer than planned. There's a lot of work to be done here and Bobby extended his offer. Most of you are used to me being gone anyways. It's a better place for me than the apartments. I feel more like myself here.

I know we haven't been on the best of the terms, but I wanted to know how you're doing now.

If you haven't been assigned an apartment yet you can continue to stay in mine. I don't plan on using it even when I come back. I've already been checking out places for rent. I need to figure some things out like how on earth I can afford it but when it happens I would like to offer you and Virgil a place to stay. The apartments are already chaotic enough without your special personality edging them on. I know they must be driving you crazy too. This is a secret. I know you can keep it.

Filtered to Andrew, Buffy, Clark, Lois, Needy, Ruby, and Sam

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Kara is taking me to Hawaii in an hour.

Yes, I feel up to it.
No, you can't convince me not to go. It's Hawaii.
No, I don't have my amulet because in a few minutes I won't need it. I'll have it on my skin.
Yes, I have Holy Water and I know my Latin.

Now I'm off to heal under the sun while half clothed men bring me drinks. Have fun!
I'll bring you something!


Wanna come with? Kara opened the invitation to you too.


I'm so very sorry to say in my excitement about going to Hawaii, I forgot about helping you with your Latin. Would you be alright with Andrew teaching you?

Text, Andrea

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Hello from Hawaii :P

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If you want me to come get you, let me know.
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