Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


Posts Tagged: 'time:+2009+02'

Feb. 24th, 2017


RP: Who's the new Les?!

Who: Logan, Katie, Penelope & Silviya (if they want to chime in!), Tracey, anyone who wants to be in the crowd.
When: 2/24/09; 2pm.
Where: On the set of filming for Confessions, Scotland.
What: The big announcement is finally here!
Warnings: TBD.

Katie knew she'd be given first question and had to make it good... )

RP: Dinner with friends.

Who: Harry, Ron, Ginny, Luna, and Hermione.
When: 2/24/09; evening
Where: The Leaky Cauldron.
What: Harry's invited the besties to dinner. He has something to say.
Warnings: Potential language.

It's been too long; so what's new? )



Network: In need of a couch

Who: Tate, Lexa, & Olivier
What: Asking about a couch
When: February 24th
Where: Network - Group Message
Warnings: TBD - Probably Tate's language
Private/Public: Private to the three

MM to Lex & Olivier 11:45AM: Hey! What have you two been up to? You wouldn't happen to have a couch that I could sleep on for a few days? It's getting a bit cramped at my brother's.

Feb. 23rd, 2017


Network: Text to Logan Wood

Who: Tracey & Logan
When: 2/23/2009; morning
What: Tracey really needs to finalize this event!
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Private
MM to Logan Wood; 7:31am - Hi Logan. Sorry to bother but your people haven't gotten back to us about the announcement yet. I need to finalize the event & press conference and it has to happen before the press gets wind of anything.
MM to Logan Wood; 7:32am - Please advise.



Network: FideJournal: Quidditch is back

Who: Marcus, OPEN
When: February 23
What: Mr Professional Referee
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Public

Quidditch is finally back. No official refereeing for me yet, but I'll be shadowing the Wasps-Bats match tomorrow. Opposite ends of the table, so should be an interesting match.

Network: Daily Prophet to Penelope & Silviya

Who: Katie, Penelope, & Silviya
When: 2/23/09; evening
What: Working after hours...
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Private
MM to Penelope & Silviya 7:30pm - So... seeing as Old Les is in rehab... When are you giving me something about his replacement? Anything about his replacement?

Network: Nora, Angie, & Alec

Who: Katie, Nora, Angie, and Alec.
When: 2/23/09; evening
What: Katie's cooking again...
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Private
MM to Nora, Angie, & Alec 6:30pm - I'm cooking again. Because I got home from work at a decent hour for once. Who wants meatloaf flash frozen and ready to be heat up anytime?

Network: Text to Penelope Clearwater

Who: Tracey & Penelope
When: 2/23/2009; morning
What: Tracey hasn't heard from Logan's people about the announcement...
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Private
MM to Penelope Clearwater; 6:12am - I know it's early but I still haven't heard from Logan's agent since his announcement and I need their input on planning the last of the casting announcement and I was just wondering if you'd heard from them?

Network: Dinner? Soon? Yes?

Who: Harry, Ron, Ginny, Luna, and Hermione
When: 2/23/09; evening
What: Harry has a request of his best friends.
Warnings: TBD
Public/Private: Private.

Dinner soon? )

RP: T-Minus 10 Weeks...

Who: Cho & Fin
When: 2/23/17; evening
Where: The Quigley Home
What: Cho is driving herself a little bit batty...
Warnings: TBD

There was still so much to learn... )