Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


Posts Tagged: 'location:+sweet+nothings'

Feb. 12th, 2017



Network: Newsletter

Who: Everyone
When: 12. February 2009, morning
What: Newsletter/Announcement from Sweet Nothings
Public/Private: Public

Valentine's Day is pink this year!

Due to Valentine's Day falling on a Tuesday this year, Sweet nothings will be open for business on Monday 13th February, and we're still taking orders for the 14th.

Remember, while we have the time-limited Valentine's Day specials, our regular menu is still available.

Valentine's Day Menu 2009 )

Dec. 3rd, 2016



RP: So, about Charlie...

Who: Septimus Lucis and Susan Bones
When: December 3, 2008 - afternoon
Where: Sweet Nothings
What: Meeting for tea to discuss...things!
Warnings: TBD, not sure

Desserts help an awkward conversation, right? )

Oct. 30th, 2016



RP: Luna and Dean

Who: Luna and Dean
What: Spending Time Together
When: October 30, 2008
Where: Sweet Nothings
Warnings: TBD – Probably none

Boys )

Sep. 24th, 2016



RP: A little mead never hurt a difficult conversation

Who: Luna Lovegood and Hannah Abbott
When: Saturday Afternoon, September 24, 2008
Where: Sweet Nothings, Victory Road
What: Hannah wants to explain to Luna why she was late to the party
Warnings: Hannah being...Hannah (immediately emotional) - Luna being Lovely

So there's this thing that happens sometimes... )

Sep. 3rd, 2016



RP: Cake makes things better

Who: Pansy Parkinson, Adrian Pucey
When: September 3rd, afternoon
Where: Sweet Nothings
What: Pansy needs cake.
Warnings: None

Cake would be a soothing balm against the day. So would gin, actually. )

Aug. 26th, 2016



Delivery to Kermit Bradley

Who: Melinda and Kermit
When: 26. August, 2008 - morning
What: It's Kermit's birthday!
Public/Private: Private

Delivery to Mr. Kermit Bradley )



Notice: Sign outside Sweet Nothings

Who: Everyone
When: 26. August, 2008 - early morning
What: Sign in front of Sweet Nothings
Public/Private: Public

For today and tomorrow only, the Gold Meridien will be back on our menu

Vanilla panacotta centre with chocolate mousse, decorated with gold and a dark chocolate belt.

Aug. 19th, 2016



RP: Luna and Hannah - May get a bit silly

Who: Luna Lovegood, Hannah Abbott
When: Lunchtime, August 19, 2008
Where: Diagon Alley and then Sweet Nothings
What: Having Lunch and catching up
Warnings: None yet

Where's my Quibbler? )

Aug. 18th, 2016


RP: It's Quidditch Season!

Who: Cormac & Melinda
When: 8/18/08 8AM
Where: Sweet Nothings
What: Cormac stops into Mel's to pick up his QUIDDITCH MACARONS! Business talk ensues.
Warnings: N/A

It was Cormac's favorite day of the year. )

Aug. 6th, 2016



RP: Draco, coffee & open

Who: Draco and Theo.
When: 8am, Saturday 6th August.
Where: Sweet Nothings.
What: Draco is in a bad mood and needs coffee.
Warnings: Draco in a bad mood should be its own warning.

Coffee he could have at home, but freshly-baked brioche he could not )