Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


November 22nd, 2017


Network: Tomorrow at V-Bar

When: 11/22/09; evening
What: An announcement
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Public

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! You're only a day away! )



RP: Night Out

Who: Ilana & Open
What: Night out
When: November 22nd
Where: DraĆ­ochta Pub, Ireland
Warnings: TBD

Nights Off )



RP: Dinner With Mum Jane

Who: Addi and Jane (NPC by Kandie)
When: Wednesday, November 22, 2009
Where: The cottage
What: Addi has Jane over for dinner, not only to give Zee and Andrew the space for their dinner, but to gain some matronly insight from the older woman.
Warnings: Emotions

and a bit of motherly comfort )



RP: Sister, Meet Brother and Niece

Who: Andrew (and Evie) and Zahara/Hyperion
When: Wednesday, November 22, 2009
Where: Hype/Z's flat
What: The newly-discovered siblings get together for the first time.
Warnings: None

expanding the family )