Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


March 20th, 2017



RP: A Weekend in France

Who: Lexa & Char
When: March 18th, 2009 (slightly backdated)
Where: France!
What: Lexa takes Char along on a work trip and things… happen. Sort of.
Warnings: None!

Lexa had asked Charlotte a few days before... )



MM to Eleanor

Who: El & Char
When: March 20th, 2009 (early morning)
What: Help?
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Private

MM to El 6:41am: Hello
MM to El 6:41am: How have you been
MM to El 6:41am: Has everything been all right with you



Trying to find a 'replacement'

Who: Blaise and Katie
When: Monday March 20
What: Blaise asks a question
Warnings: probably nons
Public/Private: private


Are you still interested in a different beat? I have an idea, if so




Deliveries I forgot to make on the weekend...yup

Who: Neville Longbottom to Hannah Abbott, Megan Jones and Lenora Travers
When: Morning March 20, 2009
What: Deliveries to three ladies in need of a boost
Warnings: None probably, maybe language? I dunno
Public/Private: Private to recipients

For Hannah )


For Megan )


For Lenora )



RP: Eleanor & Charlotte

Who: Eleanor and Charlotte
When: 20. March 2009 – after this
Where: Charlotte’s chambers at Hogwarts, for starters
What: Charlotte’s freaking out
Warnings: TBD

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Network: MM to Mr. Blaise Zabini

Who: Eleanor and Blaise
When: 20. March 2009 – during this
What: Eleanor’s sending out messages
Warnings: TBD
Public/Private: Private

MM to Mr. Zabini 7:45am: My apologies for the late notice, but I need to take today off to deal with a family emergency.
MM to Mr. Zabini 7:46am: I have talked with Miss Lively, and she will be in your office in 15 minutes' time to fill in for me today.
MM to Mr. Zabini 7:47am: I will have my phone with me all day.



RP: Meeting for the Confession Folk

Who: Cast & Crew of Confessions, Tracey, Persephone, Alec, and Penelope
When: 20. March 2009, 4pm sharp
Where: The HR Conference Room at WWN
What: Penelope has called a meeting
Warnings: TBD

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