Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


January 17th, 2017



Network: Party Planning And Then Some!

Who: Everyone
When: January 17th, 2009 (afternoon)
What: An invitation! And... some more things.
Warnings: It's Ter, so probably language.
Public/Private: Unless otherwise specified, this is private to everyone but Marcus

All right, listen up, everybody. Quidditch folks in particular.

The old man (that would be Marcus Flint) is turning 34 on the 27th. He also just got his referee certification from the International Quidditch Association. Which means that we have an occasion to throw a fantastic, massive party. Streamers and balloons don't even come close to the grandeur we're looking for here. No, we're going to need kegs, unicorns, and, of course, glitter. I'm thinking V-Bar.

It'll be a well-publicized event if I have anything to say about it (that man deserves to be big news again), so be there, or else your agents will probably make you go regardless. I don't really care who you are, just show up, have a good time, and make the old man feel special as fuck. He deserves it.

And while I'm sure this goes without saying, if any of you go snitching to Marcus about this, I will personally see to it that you are hexed into next year.

there's like... a million messages under here, just so you know. just check the tags to see if you're included in them because YOU PROBABLY ARE )



RP: So, on the big day

Who: George and Charlie Weasley
When: Lunch, January 17, 2009
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
What: A quick but important question
Warnings: Probably language

Dunno if you were expecting this or not )



R: So much in my mind

Who: David Abbott (Ash), Seamus Finnigan
When: Very late night, January 17, 2009 (bumped up cause of RL delays, sorry! if this isn't ok, please let me know)
Where: The Leaky Cauldron, usual back corner
What: Confessions, realizations, and a favour to ask
Warnings: Language, Old Man Angst

Would you take it? )



[No Subject]

Who: Tate and Tim
What: Friendly Time
When: January 17th
Where: Pucey Potions
Warnings: TBD

Don't I know you? )



Network: FideJournal: Referee

Who: Marcus Flint
When: January 17, 2009
What: Good news!
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Public

For anyone who was wondering, I passed my exam. Looks like I'm really going to be a referee.



[No Subject]

Who: Luna and Dora
What: Mini Magi Meetings
When: January 17th
Where: Charm Caster
Warnings: TBD

Charming )

Network: V-Bar reopening Wednesday

Who: Lisa + OPEN
When: Tuesday evening (lateish)
What: V-Bar will reopen tomorrow.
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Public

Public Network Message:
As we'd hoped, V-Bar can indeed reopen tomorrow!
We'll open at Noon per usual (open noon-10pm).
Don't forget our hump day karaoke, bringing you the excitement like every week!
Karaoke is 9pm-close.
SO MANY THANKS to our incredible patrons and family
members for being so supporting and understanding this week.
V-Bar wouldn't be the same without each and every one of you!
A special thanks to Auror Harry Potter & Hit Wizard Lavender Brown
for coming to our rescue - you two are HEROES and ROCKSTARS and
you will never pay a tab here again as far as I'm concerned.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

RP: What happened?

Who: Harry Potter & open
When: Tuesday, late evening 1/17/09
Where: St. Mungo's
What: Harry wakes up
Warnings: Potential language, potential angst

What the he...? Why am in hospital? )



RP: Moving Day

Who: Dora, Nora, Ewen, and Alec
When: [BACKDATED] Sunday January 15
Where: Dora's old flat and hers and Ewan's new one
What: It's moving day
Warnings: Language, flirting and some mild sexuality, a bit of angst

Moving isn't always the easiest thing )



[No Subject]

Who: ZJ and Persephone
What: Girl's Night Out
When: January 14th (backdated sorry!)
Where: ZJ's Flat/V-Bar
Warnings: TBD

Tickle the plant )



RP: A Glimmer of gold...

Who: Dora and Ewan
When: Evening Tuesday January 17
Where: Ewan and Dora's flat
What: Dora finds.... something. 
Warnings: TBD, language probably 

It's not snooping when it's your dresser too )