December 2010




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Nov. 16th, 2010


Owl to Severus Snape )

Nov. 12th, 2010


For Omens, Good or Bad.

WHO: Draco and Theo
WHAT: discussing their findings
WHEN: 12p
WHERE: St. James park
WHY: They haven't had a chance to really catch up since Theo's wedding, and their plans have a bit of fruit
WITH: a few random passers by, half-stale baguettes, and DUCKS
STATUS: Closed/incomplete

Meeting today, yes. )

Oct. 31st, 2010


Who: Teodor Gregorovitch & Theodore Nott
When: 29 October 2000 [Backdated]
Where: Le Canon des Gobelins, Paris
Rating: TBA
Warnings: TBA
Summary: Teodor and Theodore meet to discuss Dark Marks.

Teodor would have enjoyed being back in Paris if the circumstances had been different. )

Oct. 25th, 2010


Backdated scene

Who: Theodore and Astoria Nott
Where: Hotel Royale, Paris
When: Evening, Oct 23
What: The newlyweds' first night as a married couple

All marriages are happy. It's the living together afterward that causes all the trouble. )

Oct. 23rd, 2010


RP: Do you take this woman?

Who: Astoria Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Veronica Montgomery, Angelina Johnson, Rhys Bradley, Lorcan d'Eath (to be added as tagged)
When: October 23rd
Where: Ministry Ballroom.
Rating: TBD
Warnings: Drugged Groom
Summary: Astoria and Theo are unable to avoid their duty.

I don't think I'll get married again. I'll just find a woman I don't like and give her a house. )


Delivered to Astoria before the ceremony )

Oct. 19th, 2010


Owl to Theodore Nott )


Owl to Theodore Nott

Incoming! )

Sep. 30th, 2010


Who: Astoria Greengrass and Theodore Nott
When: Monday night, after Blaise and Theodore get fitshaced.
Where: Nott Manor
What: Theodore is drunk. Astoria is...something.

I envy people who drink - at least they know what to blame everything on. )

Sep. 27th, 2010


Who: Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott
When: Monday Night
Where: Theodore's
Rating: Medium
Warnings: Language. Drinking. Nothing more than that.
Summary: Drinking games and catching up with friends.

Blaise had no intentions of getting drunk and declaring his love or anything equally repulsive as that. )

Sep. 19th, 2010


RP: Treason at Midnight

WHO: Tavish, Adrian, Blaise, Draco, Theo, Morag, Flint, Su Li, Steve, Laura
WHAT: A meeting of like-minded people. Otherwise known as treason.
WHERE: Pure, Private room in the back, heavily warded.
WHEN: Late, late Saturday September 18 (BACKDATED)
WARNINGS: Please pay attention to and be clear on the thread. If there are questions, ping me.

He wasn't sure this was a good idea )

Sep. 18th, 2010



Characters: Narcissa & Lucius, Pansy Parkinson & Euan Abercrombie, Jude Dorny & Sally-Anne Perks, Eddie Carmichael & Parvati Patil, Gregory Goyle & Lavender Brown, Terence Higgs & Eleanor Branstone, Laura Madley & Ernie Macmillan, Morag MacDougal & Kevin Whitby, Theodore Nott & Astoria Greengrass, Percy Weasley & Luna Lovegood, Daphne Greengrass & Draco Malfoy (or Sans Draco Malfoy, depending on St. Mungo's situation)
Setting: Various rooms at the Malfoy Manor, includnig the formal sitting room, formal dining room, formal ball/banquet room, a large/lavish guest room for changing into the formal attire, and of course bathrooms when needed. There was no tour given, there was only the select rooms available, and all others were locked with charms and wards.
Summary: Etiquitte Lessons, Lunch, Tea, Questions, Dinner, Dancing, Socialising... it was a long day. Feel free to thread or OOC discuss in this post alike!

Cut for length and images )

Aug. 20th, 2010


Theodore and Astoria

Who: Theodore and Astoria
Where: Azkaban
When: Aug 20
What: Theodore comes to collect his bride-to-be

Get out of jail free? )