December 2010




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Nov. 20th, 2010


WHO Sofiya Capper and Lorcan d'Eath
WHEN 20 November | evening
WHERE Irish camp | near the fire
WHAT Sofiya gets a gift after a long day of shopping and she wants to thank him for it.
RATING probably LOW
STATUS Closed/Incomplete

Laying in bed the previous evening she had visualized Snow White dresses and pink frills.. )


Left open on one of the tables in the common part of the tent while Sofiya was outside making dinner; set after their little shopping outing )

Nov. 11th, 2010


WHO: Polyjuice!Dean Thomas & Sofiya Capper
WHERE: Quidditch pitch they're working on today - Puddlemere
WHEN: As practice ends
WHAT: Dean needs to see her
RATING: Pg-13 at least, he'll be upset

If I die young, bury me in satin. )

Nov. 10th, 2010


Who: Lorcan and Sofiya
When: Wednesday evening, 10 November
Where: Traveller's Camp, Common land in County Cork
What: Sofiya's got a secret and Lorcan's none-too-thrilled
Rating: Medium-High for exposed skin

Why're you limping? )

Oct. 31st, 2010


Who: All Pureblood Society, Bound and Enslaved who are serving.
When: October 31st 2000, Evening.
Where: Ministry Ballroom, Ministry of Magic.
Rating: Medium (if the thread turns adult, please move it to a locked thread)
Warnings: None.
Summary: Halloween Masquerade Ball

The Night Promised an Evening of Sophisticated Elegance…  )

Oct. 28th, 2010


Who: Lorcan & Sofiya (appearance by npc!Calbhach)
When: Wednesday evening, somewhat during and after these exchanges
Where: Travelers' Camp, Ireland
What: Lorcan enjoys teasing, maybe a little too much. Meaningful?

You read too much. )

Oct. 26th, 2010


Package tossed into Sofiya's quarters after dinner )

Oct. 22nd, 2010


Who: Lorcan and Sofiya
When: immediately following this
Where: Travelers' Camp, County Cork, Ireland
What: Hopefully scaring the snark right out of Sofi
Rating: tbd

Warrington was right. Sofiya was becoming far too spirited for her status and needed taken down a peg. )

Oct. 18th, 2010


Who: Lorcan, Sofiya, anyone else from Team B/their overseeer if they want
When: Monday afternoon to evening
Where: Hogwarts Castle
What: Lorcan drops by to talk to The Boss and pick up his slave
Rating: No idea thus far.

Any chance one of you might know where to find His Royal Darkness? )