December 2010




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Oct. 31st, 2010


Who: All Pureblood Society, Bound and Enslaved who are serving.
When: October 31st 2000, Evening.
Where: Ministry Ballroom, Ministry of Magic.
Rating: Medium (if the thread turns adult, please move it to a locked thread)
Warnings: None.
Summary: Halloween Masquerade Ball

The Night Promised an Evening of Sophisticated Elegance…  )

Oct. 23rd, 2010


Who: Ginny Weasley and Michael Corner
When: 10/23, During the ceremony
Where: A Pantry in the Ministry
Rating: Medium
Warnings: Language
Summary: Misery loves company.

We'll waltz like an army for the fear of our pain. )

Oct. 15th, 2010


Who: Team A (Rhys, Hermione, Kiah and Ginny) and Goyle, also starring special guest Mulciber!
When: Friday, late afternoon
Where: Hogwarts
Rating: Medium/High
Warnings: Violence and swearing.
Status: Finished

I can see, when you stay low nothing happens. Does it feel right? )

Oct. 13th, 2010


Who: Geoff Goyle and Team A (Kiah, Rhys, Hermione and Ginny)
When: Wednesday October 13
Where: Hogwarts
Rating: Medium for Implied Violence
Warnings: Violence
Summary: OOC Reaction thread : Ginny mouths off, Goyle gives a lesson.

Punishments must be meted out. )

Oct. 12th, 2010


Who: Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger
When: Tuesday, Oct. 12th
Where: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Prison
Rating: Medium
Warnings: Girl Talk.
Summary: Ginny has a secret. Hermione wants to know. And if you can't tell your girl friend....

Just who is Ginny sitting with in a tree )

Oct. 7th, 2010


Who: Ginny Weasley and Open (to anyone who would make sense!)
When: October 7
Where: The Ministry of Magic
Why: Ginny is finishing up her daily dose of helping to restore Wizarding London and runs into a friendly face.
Rating: Low

Oct. 2nd, 2010


Who: Ginny Weasley and Michael Corner
When: October 2nd
Where: Ministry Ballroom.
Rating: TBD
Warnings: It's Ginny and Michael not being tortured.
Summary: Ginny catches sight of Michael and sneaks away with him during the wedding.

Aug. 22nd, 2010


RP: Ginny and Open!

Who: Ginny Weasley and Hermione
When: August 22nd
Where: The Great Hall, Hogwarts
Rating: Low
Summary: Ginny's in trouble and in a mood, and oh. There's cleaning. Loads and loads of boring Muggle style cleaning!