December 2010




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Dec. 26th, 2010


RP: Flint's Homecoming

Who: Marcus Flint, Cho Chang, Flavia Flint (npc)
When: December 26th, 2000 (evening)
Where: Flint House, nr Falmouth, Cornwall
Rating: Some adult activity
Summary: Marcus arrives home from his patrol.

Read more... )

Dec. 4th, 2010


RP: Inkblot

Who: Marcus Flint, Cho Chang
When: Friday 3rd December, evening (BACKDATED)
Where: Flint House, nr Falmouth, Cornwall
Rating: Low, but some language
Summary: Home from a late practice, Marcus wants to distract Cho from her Research.

This is a Ravenclaw approach to an age old question. Repeated applications of the same charms to test for voracity and consistency. )

Nov. 29th, 2010


Invitations for Laura & Ernie's REAL reception.

Invitation sent to Silas Dobbs, Eleanor Branstone, Rose Zeller, Hannah Abbott, Terence Higgs, Tavish Urquhart, Adrian Pucey, Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, Padma Zabini, Morag MacDougal, Alexander Bole, Steve Cornfoot, and Marcus Flint )

Included in Silas's Owl )

Nov. 17th, 2010


WHO The Malcontent group (you know who you are, tag when you enter)
WHEN 17 Nov 2000 | starting at 19:00 (7 o'clock)
WHERE Pure, a secret warded meeting room

A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it )

Oct. 31st, 2010


Who: All Pureblood Society, Bound and Enslaved who are serving.
When: October 31st 2000, Evening.
Where: Ministry Ballroom, Ministry of Magic.
Rating: Medium (if the thread turns adult, please move it to a locked thread)
Warnings: None.
Summary: Halloween Masquerade Ball

The Night Promised an Evening of Sophisticated Elegance…  )

Oct. 29th, 2010


RP: With a straight line like that

Who: Cho Chang, Marcus Flint
When: October 29
Where: Flint residence
Rating: TBA
Warnings: TBA
Summary: A conversation

Oct. 23rd, 2010


RP: Do you take this woman?

Who: Astoria Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Veronica Montgomery, Angelina Johnson, Rhys Bradley, Lorcan d'Eath (to be added as tagged)
When: October 23rd
Where: Ministry Ballroom.
Rating: TBD
Warnings: Drugged Groom
Summary: Astoria and Theo are unable to avoid their duty.

I don't think I'll get married again. I'll just find a woman I don't like and give her a house. )

Sep. 27th, 2010


RP: I Don't Dance

Who: Marcus Flint, Tracey Davis
When: September 25th, evening [BACKDATED]
Where: Bole's House
Rating: Low
Warnings: Drunkenness, language
Summary: During Flint's stag party, he spends some time with the... entertainment. COMPLETE.

Though he had been drinking steadily all night, this was the first time that Marcus had refilled his own glass. )

Sep. 22nd, 2010


Who:Lord Voldemort, Teodor Gregorovitch, [Will add others as they tag]
Where: Field outside Bristol, England
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Why: Teo has a death wish and Voldie wants the Elder Wand
Rating: Simulated violence

What happens when forces collide? This. )

Sep. 19th, 2010


RP: Treason at Midnight

WHO: Tavish, Adrian, Blaise, Draco, Theo, Morag, Flint, Su Li, Steve, Laura
WHAT: A meeting of like-minded people. Otherwise known as treason.
WHERE: Pure, Private room in the back, heavily warded.
WHEN: Late, late Saturday September 18 (BACKDATED)
WARNINGS: Please pay attention to and be clear on the thread. If there are questions, ping me.

He wasn't sure this was a good idea )


RP: Enemies? Friends? Frenemies? What now?

Who: Marcus Flint and Oliver Wood.
When: September 19th. Evening.
Where: The Falmouth Falcon's stadium. Near Cornwell.
Rating: TBD.
Status: Closed. Incomplete.
Summary: Oliver reports to his Binder, Marcus. Considering the amount of trouble both men struggle with, they might decide to bury their rivalry for an evening and call for a time out. Between frenemies.

They had had a complete conversation the last time they met and no bones had been broken on either side. Oliver thought that was a personal record for them. )


RP: Knowing the day of your execution

Who: Cho Chang, Marcus Flint
When: September 19th
Where: Flint residence
Rating: Low
Warnings: Possible language
Summary: The first lambs upon the alter discuss their fate.

Sep. 11th, 2010



Characters: Narcissa & Lucius, Blaise & Padma, Su & Stewart, Malcolm & Marietta, Alex & Hannah, Millicent & Roger, Steve & Rose, Vincent & Mandy, Thomas & Angelina, Marcus & Cho, Adrian & Natalie, Tavish & Emma
Setting: Various rooms at the Malfoy Manor, includnig the formal sitting room, formal dining room, formal ball/banquet room, a large/lavish guest room for changing into the formal attire, and of course bathrooms when needed. They did not go near the wing of the house that Draco is sick in bed, nor did they go anywhere near Narcissa & Lucius' wing of the manor, either. There was no tour given, there was only the select rooms available, and all others were locked with charms and wards.
Summary: Etiquitte Lessons, Lunch, Tea, Questions, Dinner, Dancing, Socialising... it was a long day. Feel free to thread or OOC discuss in this post alike!

Cut for length and images )

Sep. 4th, 2010


RP: Hello, Sweetheart

Who: Marcus Flint, Oliver Wood
When: Saturday, September 4th
Where: Hogwarts Prison
Rating: Low
Warnings: Language
Summary: Flint meets his new responsibility. COMPLETE.

Flint wasn't a huge fan of extra responsibility unless it involved Quidditch, so this new duty was bittersweet. )

Aug. 21st, 2010


RP: Welcome Home

Who: Marcus Flint, Cho Chang
When: August 21st, afternoon
Where: Flint House, nr Falmouth, Cornwall
Rating: Low
Summary: Flint introduces Cho to her new home. COMPLETE.

So he was going to marry Cho Chang. )