Posts Tagged: 'potter+james'

Aug. 10th, 2014



[No Subject]

who: James Potter & Regulus Black
what: A brief meeting...
where: James' old house
when: A little while back, let's say.

Why shouldn’t we join forces? )

Jul. 31st, 2014



[No Subject]

Today, my son would have been eleven. Getting his Hogwarts letter, being a part of something that made him proud to be a wizard. there isn't even a b So, when I fight against Voldemort (yes, I just said his name) and when I rail against Dumbledore, I remember that.

I remember my son who should have been excited to get his letter, and start his life. And that's exactly why I'm going to continue to fight. Any number of missing people or "Subnational" and "Dangerous" declarations don't change that. Harry is dead because we think it's okay to separate people, to distinguish between what we think something or someone should be.

And that's all just bullocks.

Jul. 14th, 2014



[No Subject]

I spend a lot of time - maybe some of you would say too much time - thinking about my family. Lily was the cleverest witch I ever knew, and could also provide anyone with a much deserved walloping. But this is neither the time nor the place to eulogize her. People more eloquent that I ever was did that ten years ago, both her and my son. And I can't think about Harry, who we only knew briefly. What keeps me up at night is who they both could have been, what their contributions to society would be and how they would have further helped us as a group push our way into a good life. Because I have to believe that they would have. I know that they would have.

And do you know what else I know? Neither Millicent Bagnold nor Ted Tonks deserved the death they were given. Here's two more positively contributing people who sought to better their society. And why were they killed?

They were killed because Death Eaters are running rampant in our country, and Albus Dumbledore isn't doing jack shit to stop them. Now, Godric knows it was nigh impossible last time, but let me tell you if we work together we can do it. If we don't let them scatter us, we can band together and work to create a world in which all witches and wizards live, free to practice their craft and push us into the next century instead of keeping us in the Dark Ages.

I've had enough.

We know that Voldemort has one Horcrux, and we know that it's on its way to being destroyed. But what we don't know is how and where the next Death Eater strike would be. I propose we start our old patrols.

And I propose we put our own muscle behind Rufus Scrimgeour's candidacy.

Jul. 11th, 2014


[No Subject]

I hope those responsible for what happened to the Minister are brought to justice. My condolences to her family and friends.

[Warded to James]
Who do you think dropped your name in Rita Skeeter's ear to get her to tar you with Bagnold's murder?

Jun. 10th, 2014



[No Subject]

WHO: The Order of the Phoenix (minus Dumbledore & Fabian Prewett, who wore sweat pants twice in one week so they can't sit with us).
WHAT: A meeting of the minds, & a place to get it all out there.
WHERE: James' ramshackle old manor house. Have fun with that, chickadees.
WHEN: Last night/today

IC/OOC LOG: Therefore feel free to respond with what your character said or did either in prose or description.

Horcruxes, Death Eaters and Dumbledore. Oh my. )

Jun. 9th, 2014



[No Subject]

We have a lot to talk about. And there is no point in keeping secrets or splitting off from one another, now. We're either all in -- or we're out. Got it? Good. If all this is going to work -- I need you. We need each other.

Is everybody available to come to my house tonight, say around 17:00? Bring a dish, and I'll have dinner waiting.

Jun. 1st, 2014



[No Subject]

Your favourite ex-convict murderous traitor here.

01 -- Unicorn blood can be used to keep a person from certain death.
02 -- If you haven't heard the word Horcrux before, learn it now.

Do what you want with this information.

May. 29th, 2014



[No Subject]

Tiring, this.

Gods, unicorns. Such splendid, stately creatures. I've had the fortune to see a handful of them in various, ehm, strolls about the forest. There's simply goodness there. You feel it, when you see one. You can't not. It makes you a little bit more hopeful about the world when you know there is at least this light existing within it. If you have ever seen one and have any heart of which to speak, you understand how devastating this news is.

Cheers for accommodations re: furry problem. Infinitely more comfortable than my wee cottage. Did you know there's a taxidermy monkey wearing a bowler hat and cape in the southwest corner of your library?

Severus Snape.
Worked again. Thanks.

May. 28th, 2014



[No Subject]

Sometimes I just don't know what to say about the world we live in.

May. 23rd, 2014



[No Subject]

Well, I don't know about the others, but Brighton was rather lovely, in a strange way. Right on the beach, lit up against the sun set like a bloody phoenix bleeding out into the horizon. People thought it was a bonfire. They were even toasting marshmallows.

May. 2nd, 2014



[No Subject]

I don't know about the rest of you but I rather liked the speech, especially the bits about Albus being a twat.

May. 1st, 2014



[No Subject]

Who: Sirius Black & James Potter
Where: The old, shuttered-up estate
When: Right after the big reveal
What: Sirius swears his fealty to James, & other Game of Thrones like stuff.


It is a corruption of the French imperative 'M'aidez' meaning 'Help me!' )



[No Subject]

[Former Members of the Order (not including Sirius, but does include James and the Prewetts)]
The fuck?

Would someone care to offer an explanation for how the known victim of a ten year cold Death Eater murder case is running around calling for rebellion?

Wrench in the plan or opportunity? I'm not sure.



[No Subject]

On Magdalen Bridge in Oxford, and broadcast on all WWN channels


... hi. Yes, I'm alive. We still haven't determined exactly how, but there must be some latent magic in Godric's Hollow ... that isn't the point. I'm alive. And because the death of my wife and child cannot go unremembered or unpunished, I stand before you today asking you to make something of their sacrifice. Don't let their deaths be in vain.

Lily Evans - and Harry, our boy - were representative of the hope of what was to come. They were the embodiment of what it meant to be forward-thinking, well-intentioned witches and wizards in a contemporary age. And because sometimes the farsighted are slaughtered by the reactionary ideologues of the age - because we loved, and because we believed in a better Britain - Lord Voldemort moved against us.

And now, I come back. Now I come back to find out that you've allowed yourselves to be cowed by fundamentalist ideology that is no better than the fear we lived within 10 years ago. I find that you, as a British people, have allowed yourselves to be ruled by those whose moral compass does not point true north. YES I AM TALKING ABOUT MY ONE-TIME MENTOR, ALBUS DUMBLEDORE. As a strategic influencer of today's government, Albus Dumbledore failed in his oaths to those of us who agreed to fight for the inclusion of all.

Albus Dumbledore doesn't allow you to practice magic, he doesn't allow your children to learn magic, and he utilizes fear and power to keep you oppressed and scared. Albus Dumbledore doesn't believe in Britain.

Because, if I learned one thing, it is when you hide your true self from the world there is nothing to keep your feet on the ground and the lies you spread become so thick that you begin to believe them yourself. I do not believe in Albus Dumbledore, I believe in you.

So I'm calling on you - I'm calling on you to rise up! - I'm calling on you to stand with me and fight those who would oppress you, whether they argue it is because of your safety or your blood. Do not let people tell you what you may do, or who you may love, or how your magic may manifest.

I believe in you. And I believe in Britain.

Apr. 30th, 2014



[No Subject]

I need you both with me tomorrow, in Oxford, for May Morning. Right after the choir.

Apr. 28th, 2014



[No Subject]

Needless to say, but --

tonight, I am otherwise engaged. Don't come by. But if you do, prepare to be shed upon. That's been known to, er, happen.

[Later, amended with a private ward to James Potter]

12 Grimmauld Place. That's him.

I just need you to know it, lest I give into temptation tonight and bring some friends

Apr. 21st, 2014



group thread.

WHO: Dedalus and 75% of the Marauders (James, Peter, Remus)
WHERE: Chez Dedalus i.e., his cottage on the island of St Mary's, Isles of Scilly
WHEN: Monday morning
WHAT: Tea with James! Who isn't dead!!

Where the wards are quite proprietorial. )

Apr. 20th, 2014



[No Subject]

I've asked, and you're welcome for tea tomorrow morning. To make sure I'm not lying.

Because I'm not lying.

Heya, Wormtail.

This is a hallucination.

How long before

Dedalus, how long before we tell everyone?

Apr. 18th, 2014



[No Subject]


{ James }
You need clothing.

I have taken the liberty of leaving some breakfast out for you. I will be back in the afternoon. Please don't attempt to leave the property, as the wards are quite... proprietorial.

Apr. 17th, 2014



[No Subject]

I've been in the company of a full time hermit/possible forest nymph this past week, who was possibly one of the most fascinating people I have ever met. Thus, I have learned the following:

1. The Moly are up about this time. I hadn't seen them since I was a wee lad, but we came across a paddock of them. Delicate, though. Must be pinched off very gently 3 cm above ground to keep the root system in tact and encourage regrowth. After all, I hear it's a very expensive ingredient.

2. Wiggentree bark is best foraged after the second frost's melting. It should be moist and not brittle when stripped, then dried thoroughly before grinding. My friend predicts demand for this will climb given recent events. I am inclined to agree.

The things you learn when you get around enough and listen to very talkative diminutive old men (?). Then again, my companion enjoyed a fermented (and highly alcoholic) drink made from Bobotuber pus, and insisted I take a bottle home with me to drink, No.