Posts Tagged: 'wagtail+geoffrey'

Jul. 15th, 2014



[No Subject]

Come over for dinner.

Jul. 11th, 2014



[No Subject]

Hey. Not here on official business. Just wanted to check in.

I've got nothing.

Jul. 3rd, 2014



[No Subject]

You little chickens in London flock out of doors when the sun is shining, desperate to drink it all in before another cloud finds you. It's really rather cute. If it were sunny for a week straight, though, would you find it off-putting?

Would you eventually complain that it were fine? And instead you wanted to chase a gray cloud?


Gird your loins. Lovelace is coming for you next.

On the outside chance that I ever become a British citizen, let it be known that were it my taxes being paid toward the likes of Monitor Horace (yes, that's his name) Lovelace, I'd mount something. Something.

Jun. 18th, 2014



[No Subject]


The DMLE may now be permitted to use Unforgivables, but there are additional parameters in order to make our accountability as transparent as possible:
Each Unforgivable used must be fully documented by the issuer, including a detailed report that explains the context in which the Unforgivable was used, potential witnesses and reasons for why an Unforgivable was necessary. Your wand will also need to be examined. The forms are located outside my office.

Failure to file the appropriate report will result in a 3-week suspension.

Abuse of this new license will result in immediate termination.

Jun. 11th, 2014



[No Subject]

Who: Geoff Wagtail!
When: Tooooday, sure.
Where: the Wagtail residence!
What: Geoff’s up to something.
Status: Complete narrative!

Bungs was right, he thought. They’d learned nothing from the past. )

Jun. 4th, 2014



[No Subject]


Jun. 2nd, 2014



[No Subject]

Spoken at tonight's 'Rights and Obligations in the New Decade' talk in the Diagon Alley Assembly Rooms.

A great deal of thanks to Barrister Higgs, whose unwavering attention to detail and the importance of making it right organised this evening. My name is Lovelace, and together with my colleagues I am a Monitor for the DMU. This talk is meant to suggest to you it is indeed possible to maintain great levels of privacy on the journal network; privacy, and safety, which ensures the corruptive influence of subnationals does not go unchecked in the hearts and minds of Britain's most precious resource. You.

Three steps, I offer you. Three steps to assure yourself that you do not expose yourself or your loved ones to danger. These steps are:
1. SELF-ASSESSMENT: This step is meant to encourage a writer to assess their purpose & the nature of the message they utilise. The questions one ought to ask themselves are three-fold:
  • Am I qualified to make a claim?
  • Am I hurting myself or others by communicating an unqualified claim?
  • Will my claim cause irreparable harm to the safety of the nation?

  • If you answer yes to any of these questions STOP. Do not post.

    2. SELF-POLICING: The journal network is vast, and though we in the DMU do our best to ensure the relative ideological safety of our storied isle, it is my suggestion that if one observes their fellow breaking any stricture of STEP ONE, that they proceed immediately to STEP THREE, which is,

    3. REPORTING: We encourage all citizens with valid concerns to come to us with links to photos, threads or messages which would pose an indelible threat to the nation. The DMU is only as useful as the reach of our eyes, and we rely on good citizens like you to sometimes be our hands and our feet. Should you need a Monitor's attention brought immediately to a journal conversation, please include the words LOVELY HORNTAIL SNACKS in your response and we will investigate as soon as possible.

    If these three simple guiding principles are followed on the network, there is no reason the office would ever have the need to infiltrate a ward and analyze the rhetorical content. These best practises are meant to encourage to to maintain the status-quo brought under the Bagnold-Dumbledore government -- a government driven by safety, peace and plenty.

    I shall entertain questions for 15 minutes.

    Feel free to post questions for M. LOVELACE in this thread.



    [No Subject]

    I'll never understand nostalgia. The past was not that great. People are so intent on only remembering the shiny parts and trying to dig up the past that they're self-fulfilling the "doomed to repeat history if we don't learn from it" saying. We've learned nothing; there were no good ol' days. Enjoy living in the now for once, and maybe it won't seem so bleak. There are a lot of people who your "good ol' days" killed who don't have that opportunity.

    I have a theory and I need someone to hear me out.

    May. 28th, 2014



    [No Subject]

    Sometimes I just don't know what to say about the world we live in.

    May. 19th, 2014



    [No Subject]

    My brother's a Cursebreaker. Has been for a long time. He stuck around at home more after Myron was born, and then when his wife died, he stayed in town. Once Myron left for school, Aaron left again. I think he's been away more than he's been in London. He writes as much as he can. One letter was from somewhere in Peru. Another one was from the middle of nowhere China. You get the idea. There's always somewhere new, and some grand story about what food he's eaten, or how he almost died, or he'll send a picture of the view he's got.

    And I sit here and look out my window and it's bloody raining. Thanks, Aaron. You're a brilliant friend.

    How are you feeling?

    May. 9th, 2014



    group thread!

    where: the three broomsticks, hogsmeade
    who: hitwizards! rosmerta! anyone who wants a drink!
    when: thursday evening
    notes: group thread!

    For the discerning Hitwizard who wants to get shitfaced in protest of the Ministry's disregard for them. )

    May. 8th, 2014



    [No Subject]

    You're right. This is shit.



    [No Subject]

    Well then.

    Free drinks tonight at the 3B for all Hitwizards, past and present.



    [No Subject]

    My mind will be very clear when I vibe that editor chap. I'm taking today's 1430 slot.

    [ Bungs ]
    I guess I could always try out for a Watchwizard post.



    [No Subject]

    I am going to shoot myself in the fucking face.

    May. 6th, 2014



    [No Subject]

    Did you see who's back?



    [No Subject]

    Good God, Britain. You haven't changed much.

    But I think this mo

    You do know how to make a girl feel welcome, coming back to overblown political statements and folks returning from the dead. Always something new.

    The fellow with the Tom Riddle mask - quite the artist, though, wouldn't you say? So what is it precisely, we're meant to do?

    Quell the unrest? Assert control?

    May. 5th, 2014



    [No Subject]

    Who: Geoff Wagtail & Jo Savage
    When: Tooooday?
    Where: DMLE! Near Geoff's desk.
    What: A reunion ten years in the making.
    Status: Complete log!

    Ten years stood between them. )

    May. 6th, 2014



    [No Subject]

    Bets on how much work these new security measures are going to make for us?

    People who act like it's my fault they were dumb enough to break the law. Check yourselves.

    May. 4th, 2014



    [No Subject]

    What we all heard on the 1st - and a couple other conversations - got me thinking. I'm sure there's someone many of us would want to bring back if we could. I told someone that I had no one I'd bring back, and that's still true.

    We're the ones left behind, and it seems to me like it'd be easy for us to say we'd bring them back when the world's kept spinning, but living with that burden isn't that easy. Maybe it wouldn't be what they'd want. Maybe we've all changed too much. Maybe it wouldn't be fair.

    Of course, life's a bitch and she's never fair, so what do I know.