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A Comm on Feeling Hella Boss.

You're so   filthy,
and I'm   gorgeous.

[24th Nov. 2012 • 15:52]

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I went shopping on Black Friday! It was fun and I got quite a bit of stuff. HERE IT IS! )
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[26th Oct. 2012 • 23:05]

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So I think my posts of hauls are going to be few and far between here, just because I don't often treat myself, but, this one is kind of huge, by my terms. In the summer I got a catalog for Boden, a British company who's now in the states too. I wanted pretty much 80% of the clothes in there, but like I said, lately I rarely buy clothes without having a specific occasion to wear them, or a need to replace an older item. Winter rolled around with another catologue and the temptation was too strong to resist for one skirt, and if I was going to order one thing, I figured I'd do my usual online shopping technique of ordering five times the stuff of what I think I'll keep, so I can see how things fit and what looks best on me, and return the rest. Sorry clothes companies, but, I'm always very prompt with returns and extremely careful with the clothes and the packaging both, so... not that sorry. Anyhow, I culled my wishlist from $6k down to $2k (shut up, I love everything they have to offer) and now thinned what I'm keeping down to $358, plus two items that were on backorder, which I'll have to decide about sometime in December.

And now, my haul! )

So, for anyone who might order from them (in US sizes at least), I recommend ordering smaller than the measurement chart tells you. Based on my measurements (taken while I wore a fitted lightweight t-shirt and lightweight pajama pants), it said 8's on bottoms and 10s to fit the bosom, but it really should've been 6s for both. Other than that, it's really, really high quality merchandise. Kind of on the expensive side of things, but almost all of it is primarily natural fibers, cottons and wools and linens, all very soft and with nice, slightly different cuts, interesting shoulders, interesting sleeve lengths.
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i just dropped $140 but no regrets [22nd Oct. 2012 • 13:00]

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fyi, uniqlo has FINALLY gone the way of e-commerce in the states!! new site just launched today. finally, they have EVERY COLOR in EVERY SIZE and small/medium isn't completely sold out yet (problems i have every time i try to shop at the one on broadway, sob). they have some items on sale in celebration of the new site launch, the most notable maybe being $10 SKINNY JEANS. i am in heaven.

my haul )
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so i went shopping today [20th Oct. 2012 • 19:55]

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Haul of clothes & cosmetics )

Basically 1. I have very little self-control and 2. I am the best at being a thrifty Asian.
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[17th Oct. 2012 • 16:45]

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My Urban Decay order (AND MY BALLOT!!!) finally came in the mail, so here's a haul/review post pour vous~

Cameo by Portland Black Lipstick Co. )
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[3rd Oct. 2012 • 11:06]

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This is a really tiny haul BUT A HAUL NEVERTHELESS. I actually got this stuff over the weekend and I was going to take pictures myself but my webcam is too grainy and I lost my actual camera??? BUT WHATEVER, onto my stuff!!

and cut~ )
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[1st Oct. 2012 • 10:00]

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Fun fact: in San Francisco we get our "summer" in the fall. October and November are generally the warmest months (read: the only warm months) of the year. Today it's supposed to be 86 apparently (30 for you Celsius fools) which I'm pretty sure MUST make it the hottest day we've had all year.

This is a picture that I took out of my open window this morning while I was reveling in the fact that I could OPEN MY WINDOW OMG at 8am. )

ANYWAY I AM CELEBRATING BY LOOKING SUPER CUTE AND NOT WEARING ANY PANTS! Or leggings or tights or any of the other things I cover my legs with on a daily basis because I live in a very chilly city.

This is a picture of me today, looking cute. )

ALSO I came into the office this morning to find my Urban Decay sale order sitting on my desk! So hooray for that, and thank you to [info]stannis for posting about it here and giving the rest of us the heads up!

This is an Instagram picture of my Urban Decay order. )
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oh no shopping [28th Sep. 2012 • 17:01]

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So today I (impromptu) decided that I needed to go to Forever 21 and see how miserable I could make myself with shopping, i.e. would any of these dresses even look good on me. I needed dresses that are semi-casual, semi-dressy, cute, and inexpensive, seeing as I don't really have money to spend. The idea was maybe to get one dress and see what else they had, just for reference.

I walked out with 4 dresses. )
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[23rd Sep. 2012 • 21:32]

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Sooo I really love clothes but I never get to talk about it to anybody because my style is pretty radically different from anybody I know. I mean, my style itself isn't that radical (basically I'm just a walking billboard for Mad Men at any given point and it is not that uncommon, except in Arizona, apparently) but w/e. I was feeling really crummy the last few weeks AND got a raise AND went shopping with my mom, which of course meant I spent like $200 at H&M + $150 at Modcloth over the weekend/last week because of the double whammy of #feels and my mother being a total enabler. Every conversation with her went, "Oh, I shouldn't get this. What would I even wear it with?" "You're right. BUT LOOK AT THIS MORE EXPENSIVE THING!" "Done."

haul! )
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[22nd Sep. 2012 • 01:26]

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so i bought a bunch of things online from forever 21 b/c it is currently on super sale (and i am the cheapest person you will ever meet, ever).

the results of my haul )

i am actually super paranoid about the shorts tho. size estimation is hard, even when they have size charts and shit. i got the two shorts in diff sizes just in case, but still ugh ugh NERVOUS. i am EXTREMELY hopeful, on the other hand, about the red blazer because this is how i will get through fall in fucking ithaca

also--exploring the world of cut t-shirts for our pep rally )
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i do this thing [21st Sep. 2012 • 14:41]

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so i do this thing where when i feel ugly, i buy myself clothing? i usually budget about $150-200 per month to go shopping because i am actually a huge clotheshorse so there's me coming out of the closet about that. yesterday was one of those days because i found out this boy i'm in love with agreed to come to a party with me on saturday (!!!!!!!!!!!) and so i started to freak out because WHAT THE HELL DO I WEAR, HE'S SO FASHIONABLE!!

commence me crying my way down broadway into soho, where i stumbled into madewell and ended up buying the following:

the haul + my weeping, disorganized comments. also: why you should shop at that seemingly shitty store on broadway, new yorkers. i swear. )

pictures of outfit in action will come this saturday :)

also does anybody have accessory/jewelry advice? i just can't seem to get it. i've been wearing the same rope bracelet from j.crew, a weird juicy half-elastic/half-gold cuff thing, and a gucci watch 5ever, but i don't know how to work other things? i always see girls with tons of nifty jewelry and rings and blah blah blah, but i guess i am a fail......... I DON'T KNOW HOW TO WEAR NECKLACES OR EARRINGS EITHER. :(

as you can see, i will be posting in here a lot.

edit wait i have more things

i've been wanting to make these since forever, diy party??

also so recently my skin has been freaking the FUCK out at me. i changed my shampoo to garnier and basically it gave me the world's worst case of dandruff PLUS something is going on with the skin on my face in that it's not turning a little raw and my moisturizer is STINGING THE SHIT OUT OF ME. like miniature fires on my cheekbones, guys. clearly, this means i need to change my regimen. does anybody have any advice for either of these problems? :( sorry i'm gross.
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Introduction. [20th Sep. 2012 • 22:21]

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Three words for you: treat yo self!Read more... )
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