Time Stream

A Panfandom Game

Shortly after not only travel through time, but also between worlds was discovered in the 26th Century, it was surmised that certain events could be changed without damage to the timeline. Instead just creating a parallel reality. With some experimentation, this was proven.
Time Can Be Changed


July 11th, 2016



[No Subject]

A reminder for those on the strike team that still need injuries tended to please see a medic as soon as possible. I was asked to work with the medical droids to make sure they could tend to everyone's needs, but I know that many of you for one reason or another would prefer not to disclose your powers or biology. I would still ask you to speak to a medic and remember that doctor patient confidentiality will be in effect.

Filter: Medics
I thought we should take the opportunity to share notes and see what we have in the medical department, both knowledge and skill wise. With people being brought from so many different universes, the fighters are not the only ones with a varied set of skills. And on addition of helping us know each other a little better, it would be useful to know who to ask for in specific cases.

I'll start. My name is Linda Carter. I started out as a nurse in my world, but returned to medical school and became a general practitioner. As such I specialize in routine health care, illnesses and various injuries. On addition to this, I have worked with nonhumans and can also perform emergency surgery if needed. And while I come from a place more technologically advanced than 18th century Paris, it is not as advanced as this one.



[No Subject]

Glad to hear the team has returned.

Has anyone seen Cindy? She did not return home and I know she was looking forward to spending time at home and with our new housemate.

Not trying to be blunt or anything, but did you bring anything alien back with you?

The reason I ask is that I had little sleep last night, which involved a very unnatural dream. Which worries me.


How are you doing? You said you had a weird dream and threw up? Has it happened since?



[No Subject]


The following have been sent home:
  • Haymitch Abernathy



(008) Anakin Solo

[Filter: Ben Skywalker]
The last conversation we had was kind of one sided. I mean, you maybe had really interesting things to say, but mostly you were just sleeping.



[No Subject]

Dreaming about two old geezers being romantic isn't my idea of a good time. I need brain bleach, stat.

Yo. Any news about Kylo?



[No Subject]

[Texts to Victors]
✉ So this is when we drink ourselves into a coma, right?
✉ It's what he would have wanted.

[Text to James]
✉ Alcohol now, please. Your turn.



[No Subject]

Left behind in Anders' temporary apartment )