Time Stream

A Panfandom Game

Shortly after not only travel through time, but also between worlds was discovered in the 26th Century, it was surmised that certain events could be changed without damage to the timeline. Instead just creating a parallel reality. With some experimentation, this was proven.
Time Can Be Changed


July 10th, 2016



[No Subject]

They say no news is good news but I'll be much happier when they're all back from this mission.

Want to go a few rounds with me? I need to keep myself busy.



Network Post: Cormac McLaggen

Anyone else have bloody weird dreams last night?



[No Subject]

[obviously posted sometime after they land on Corsucant and probably after she's seen the doctors]

(FRIENDS*) *feel free to assume
we're back

anyone needs me, I'll be sleeping for a year

I'm sorry about Jacen. How are you both holding up?

Anakin's fine, the queen's dead, so I guess we did what we were supposed to. I'll give you an official report when I've had more sleep.



[No Subject]

Good to be back in my own room or well room that this place gave me. I think I'm going to skip the sleeping for a bit and go have a few drinks since it's 5 o'clock somewhere.



[No Subject]

- We need to talk. Where are you guys at?

- Alcohol now, please?



[No Subject]

Okay so, blood and biting people is 100% not what a Slayer wants to be dreaming about.

What gives? Because I genuinely threw up this morning.



Network Post: Leonard McCoy

I hear our fearless strike team is back. Hopefully you made it back in one piece. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Dr. Leonard McCoy. I've got a lot of experience with humans and aliens alike, so if you've got anything that needs seen to, come see me. Hell, even if you don't think you do, come see me. If feel better if I could check all of you out and make sure we've done everything we can for you.

( Jim Kirk )
You don't get a choice in the matter.



[No Subject]

So? Is there news about Anakin?



[No Subject]

Well. That was a thing that happened.

If anyone needs me, I'll be spending the next week-or-so sleeping the last 2 days off. If you could try not to break yourselves between now and then that would be great. Anyone who's still carrying war-wounds from Myrkyr at this point, it's your own damn fault for being far too stubborn for your own good.

[Filter: Myrkyr Team]
But seriously, if you are still carrying war-wounds, you know where I am.

[Filter: Linda]
You've got this from here, right? There shouldn't be too much left to deal with. Just a few idiots convinced they're immortal.

Added a few minutes later
[Filter: hidden from Steve Rogers & Sharon Carter]

If anyone has a spare room in their apartment where I can do said sleeping and doesn't hate cats (I am holding you to that promise, James), that would be Highly Appreciated. I get the impression being around my flatmates right now is... not a good plan.



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Natives]
I need a favor. If someone has an unnaturally high tolerance to alcohol. What do you recommend they should drink to get drunk?

[Filtered to Sharon]
I'm heading out. Don't wait up.

[Filtered to Natasha]
Last time, was the time I discovered that I can't get drunk.