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Feb. 23rd, 2009


Dreams vs. Reality

Who: Carlita and OPEN
Where: The Field.
When: Dawn
What: Arriving. Freaking out a little.
Rating: None yet.

Am I really asleep? )

Feb. 17th, 2009


Open to no more than two because Ari has issues with group threads.

Who: Kenneth and ??
Where: Heading out of camp toward the tree he'd stashed his pack in.
When: Day 7 after Arlo
What: Scavenger hunt ahoy
Rating: Unknown
Warnings: none yet

Kenneth had left Arlo to his bow making and was focused now on getting his gear back. He'd filled the silicone pot with water and returned to the camp, putting whatever meat was left into it and setting it near the coals edge of the fire where it would cook the meat slowly, but not burn a hole in the bottom of the pot. Just as he was finishing up, he saw Rowan walking by. He'd heard there was a pregnant woman there. It brought back a lot of memories, most of them painful. How was she going to get getting enough to eat?

He put one of the chunks of meat onto a hardened climber vine and walked over to her along with a few of the bones from his pack. His wife had gone absolutely nuts for anything with calcium in her last trimester.

That accomplished he headed toward the tree he'd stashed his pack in, wondering who was going to join him.

Feb. 13th, 2009


And on the Seventh Day They Rested

Who: Alex & Open (try to comment at least once just so I know who was there)
Where: Edge of the forest
When: Day 7, morning

...if you'd prefer a lecture, I've a few very catchy ones prepped...sin and hellfire... one has lepers. )

Feb. 12th, 2009


Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done ....where ever we are

Who: Angelica & Alex
Where: a tree stump away from the group
When: Day 6, evening before the laughers come out
What: Angelica is bothered by the things she and Clay had found

Jewish people say that taking care of a deceased person is the greatest mitzvah a person can do, because it can never be repaid. )

Feb. 3rd, 2009


Heading South

Who: Angelica and Clay
When: Day 6 the asscrack of dawn
Where: Heading South
What: Out in search of alternate places to stay.
Rating: PG-13 at the least

WE have our heading.... )

Jan. 31st, 2009


The Meeting On Day Five

Who: EVERYONE (posting is mandatory)
Where: The base of the climber tree, gathered around the fire after a yummy dinner of tubers, berries and citrusmoss.
When: Late afternoon as the sun is starting to set behind the trees.
What: A State of the Union address.
Rating: G

Closing The Day )

Jan. 30th, 2009


Who: Alex and Angelica
Where: The tree
When: Week 1, Day 5, evening/night
What: Cursing at a priest....and arguing, not exactly good for your immortal soul.
Rated: PG-13

Fucking priests don't wait, that's not....never mind. )

Jan. 27th, 2009


Another Day, Another Batch Of Fears And Friends

Who: Helena and OPEN
When: Dawn on Day 5.
Where: The Field
What: Working on a hunch and looking for arrivals.

Is Anyone Out There? )

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