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Jul. 24th, 2009


Another One Down

Who: Cross and Helena
When: night
Where: by the fire

It had been an extremely long day, but Cross was satisfied with the work they'd gotten done. Once the logging crew had returned to the island, he'd eaten and washed up, and it was full dark by the time he ambled back to the fire just outside the lean-tos. He picked out Helena from amidst the other shapes that huddled in the dimness and lowered himself down to sit beside her, shaking out the damp rag in his hand to show her. "I think it's done," he said of the shirt he'd been wearing when he'd arrived here. "S'there enough cloth left to use for anything?"

Helena had marked his arrival as she always did. She was used to Cross taking his time coming back from a day of labor. He was so fastidiously clean despite their surroundings but she liked that about him. Without the benefit of hot water and deodorant he almost always smelled of the cucumbery freshness from the soap pods. Beneath that, though, was the pleasant musk of his own skin. Damp or not, she graduated toward him and took the shirt from him. "Hmm, don't know," she said honestly. "The girls can always use rags though, if you're willing to give it up." She arched a brow at him. Coping with the natural course of femininity wasn't pleasant or something they even enjoyed discussing in this place. She'd only suffered with it once so far but she was due again in a little more than a week. No hot baths or water bottles, muscle relaxers or the most basic in hygiene products had left her testy and miserable. She supposed it would just become something they got used to. "And I'll make you something to replace it." She fingered the green thread she was currently working with. They were a tall pair of socks. She had delivered a similar pair to Rowan along with her poncho earlier that day. She was hoping to have the above-the-knee socks finished for Analiese and Coop by the next evening.

It took Cross a few seconds to figure out what Helena was talking about when she said the girls could use rags, but then it clicked and he nodded. "I can't really use it for anything," he pointed out. It wasn't something he'd really thought about, but now that she'd mentioned it, he could see how not having the most basic of supplies could be an issue. The shirt was too full of holes and rents and too stained for anyone to want to wear it again, so it might as well go to good use. He'd found that most of the time he went around without it, anyway. "Wonder how long it'd take to make a shirt that'd fit me?" he mused. Helena was getting quite fast at knitting by now. He sighed, letting his shoulders relax; he'd felt tense as metal wire all day long. "How you feelin'?" he wanted to know, glancing over at her again.

Favourite Company At The End Of The Day )

Jul. 23rd, 2009


Free will!

Who: Alex & Jasper
What: evening in the camp, Alex goes to check on the healing Jasper
When: Day 29, evening

Read more... )


Women's Lingerie - Aisle 5

Who: Alex & Angelica
When: evening of Day 29
What: The lumberjacks have returned, sweaty, tired and singing
Where: the campfire

I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay. I sleep all night. I work all day. )

Jul. 22nd, 2009


Do you need anybody?

Who: Bazzer & Analiese
When: Day 29, afternoon
What: checking on Analiese, who knows?
Where: camp

I get by with a little help from my friends )

Jul. 21st, 2009


Standalone-Kenneth early morning

Who: Kenneth
Where: Camp
When: Early morning
Rating: PGish

Kenneth was not thrilled as he watched the group going after lumber pack up their necessities and leave. He should have been with them, but every time he stood up to try and follow, he listed heavily to the side and the world spun around him. There was nothing he hated more than feeling useless and despite his past contributions to the camp, he was not feeling like he was pulling his weight at that precise moment.

Who would have thought he'd have been brought down not by a laugher or a roc, but by a stupid wild dog and a rock monkey. Granted, he wasn't sure why the damn thing insisted on clinging to his shoulder, but he heartily wished he'd never given in and fed the little rat. Ever since it followed him about, appearing at the oddest times. Like when he was aiming at one of those dogs. That was not the best time to have a monkey launch out of nowhere and land on his shoulder. It was fortunate he hadn't accidently shot anyone, but the four extra rounds he'd wasted by holding the triggor too long did not add to his current joyful state.

The concussion he'd sustained falling into a rock and the bites down one leg and on his forearm didn't exactly help either. As he watched them set off across the lake, Kenneth frowned and took out his gun and the cloth he used to clean it. At least he could do that much. Or so he thought, as he tiny, furry, chittering companion appeared. "Fuck me now," he muttered softly.


Bringing Down the Trees

Who: Adnan and open to any of the lumber peeps!
When: most of the day
Where: forest across the lake, camp, points between
Rating: TBD

Adnan was grateful for the fair weather, even though the sun was beating down. At least it was better than horrible storms. He'd led the men who volunteered to go with him to the mast trees that he and Helena had spotted from their explorations. It was going to be a trek between there and camp, but it was what they had to do. The stone axes worked better than he could've hoped, but they were still small in comparison to what they were taking down, and things were slow-going. But with everyone willing to work hard, he knew they could accomplish what they had to.

Stopping for a moment to straighten out his spine and arm sweat off of his forehead, Adnan squinted at they sky and then around at the other toiling men. He scratched at the scruffy beard he was developing and stepped away to take a breather. There was no question they were all going to be unrecognizably tan by the time this was all over.

Jul. 19th, 2009


Only Partially Found

Who: Marcus and Coop
What: Marcus arrives
Where: (Not sure)
When: Early Morning
Rating: TBD

Bury it deep )

Jul. 17th, 2009


Day Twenty Nine - Work Details

Day Twenty Nine dawns with a big of the fair charm of a few days ago. Nights spent under a lean-to or a cart were dry and warm enough though it was a bit breezy. The sun rises white and warm and as the day progresses, big fluffy and unthreatening clouds sail over head. It's the perfect day for working outside which is good because, really, they have no inside.

First thing in the morning, over grazer steaks fried on a stone, the council calls everyone's attention. It's been decided that a bit more organization is in order. Everyone's encouraged to join a couple of details for the day order to be sure all chores or completed. Four details are described. They are:

Animal training:

Nefertiti has been encouraged to locate any straggling grazers on the island and observe their behaviour as an opening bid for domesticating them. However, since the island is a dangerous and mostly unknown place, the council encourages one person to accompany her on her venture just in case there is an accident.

Camp/Food duties:

They ask that two people sign up to maintain the camp today and see to all of the cooking and clean-up involved in feeding a group of people over the course of the day. These duties can also include feeding the pesks, milking the goat, tending to the smoking haunch of grazer, keeping the fire burning, fetching water from the spring and also preparing food and cleaning up after meals.

Lumber detail:

As many as five people are encouraged to sign up to venture off of the island and look for a stand of trees to be chopped down and brought back to camp using the carts made my Kenneth and the stone axes made by Adnan. It's suggested that anyone who signs up for this detail be aware that it might be dangerous, there is the threat of sunburn and dehydration, as well they would be expected to do a lot of physical work and heavy lifting.

Tannery Clean-Up:

In the wake of the dog attack the previous day, Bazzer could use a helping hand in cleaning up the mess made at his tannery and also looking for ways to secure the tannery from animals in the future. This might involve gathering and building stones for a piled stone fence (for now) or any other genius method anyone can think of.

Scout Duty: One person is asked to volunteer to perch at the top of the spring (the tallest point on the island) and keep a look out for packs of wild dogs, mountain rocs or any other threats. In the event that something is spotted, they're supposed to hurry back to camp and warn everyone there before heading off to locate anyone else who might need help.

Mod Notes )