May. 4th, 2009


Daddy's Home

who: Arlo and very very open
what: heeeee's baaaack!
where: Outskirts of camp
when: Dusk - an hour or so before the Laughers come out?
warnings: Let's say R. Blood and swearing will be involved :)

Guess who just got back today? That wild eyed boy who'd been away. )

May. 1st, 2009


Camp Sanctuary

Who: Jasper
Where: That Damn Desert, the Oasis
When: Evening
Rating: G

Jasper had walked through hell and found paradise. Pure, unadulterated paradise. There was a wide pool of clean, sweet water that bubbled up from some underground spring and in the deeper pockets there were fish. There were trees just bursting with fruit. Small-ish animals darted through the undergrowth. The night was warm enough here that she didn't even need a fire at night. There was easily enough to keep their tribe alive for three, maybe even four weeks - assuming it hadn't gotten bigger while she'd gone following Arlo. And the view while the cool breeze swept in from the desert and made the tops of the trees dance? The stars, with the occasional meteor lighting up the sky with a temporary wound of light? That was an exercise in spirituality alone.

Welcome To Camp )

Apr. 30th, 2009


Boys Will Be Boys

Who: Clay and Quinn
Where: Somewhere along the stream.
When: Mid-afternoon
What: Shootin' the shit.
Rating: G

Murder and Mayhem )

Apr. 29th, 2009


So Many Plans

Who: Helena and Cross
Where: Grazer Island
What: Now that they have chosen a place, time to draw up a plan of attack.
When: Noonish, Day 17
Rating: PG for wet boys in their undies? *coughs*

So Few Tools )


Ho Hum, Another Morning

Who: Ryan and Payne
When: morning, day 17
Where: near the stream
What: ?? (will fill this in later)
Rating: tbd

a lack of motivation )

Apr. 24th, 2009


Day Seventeen - All's Quiet In The Forest

The laughers don't take the night off for the rain and their moods seem to be as foul as everyone else's. The packs fight amongst themselves, even close under the climber tree. In the morning there will be drying pools of blood and clumps of fur but no bodies to scavenge.

Everyone is a bit damp and the rainwater trickles out of the canopy but the day is clear and sunny. It warms up to 30C (86F) in the afternoon with a bit of muggy humidity left over.

If anyone is curious, the milk melons which are thick along the stream have reached an edible ripeness - find a way to crack some open!