Feb. 13th, 2009


Who: Nancy and Open
Where: Along the river nearing the campsite
When: Noon

Nancy had been here for a few days. She had been wandering around by herself in every direction. Most of the time she was talking to herself to keep herself sane. When she first got here she thought maybe she had been kidnapped but the lack of people set that thought aside quickly. The next day she thought that perhaps she was on drugs. The third day she accepted this as a reality and decided she’d go with the flow. Nancy hadn’t had much sleep in the nights that she had been here. There were always noises keeping her up and unusually on edge.

Food hadn’t been an issue for her the first day. The second she was wondering what could be eaten. At one point, wandering quite aimlessly in the forest she came across the bloodfruit. First she was terrified. She had thought someone was murdered. After a moment or so of inspection she determined that it wasn’t really blood. For her third day, today, she followed after the sound of water. It made sense to her that where there was water there had to be some sort of vegetation growing, maybe something else she could eat, and maybe some fish in the water.

Embracing the wilderness Nancy had picked flowers along the way and put them in her hair. Going along the water she picked at the Citruscress much like she would if she were chewing on sour weeds. She even rubbed a bit of it behind her ears and on her wrists because she liked the smell. Of course she took time to drink some water, hoping that as long as the water was flowing she’d be safe and wouldn’t get sick. It was a chance she was willing to take though. Nancy wanted to repress the thought of death for as long as she could.