March 5th, 2012

[info]lalin in [info]thebattleage

Who: Lalin Adain, Conlan Delain, and Black Matthew
When: Afternoon, 19 Solis
Where: Vigil's Keep's Courtyard
Rating: E for Everyone, V for Very Sad
Summary: Lalin receives bad news.

... )

[info]art_of_seeing in [info]thebattleage

Thread: A Promise in the Cards

Who: Eligia Milagros, Genikon Zealas
When: Afternoon of 14 Solis, shortly after the arrival of G1 at the Keep
Where: Inside Vigil's Keep
Rating: E for Everyone
Summary: The first group returns, and Eligia uses her cards to bring comfort to their leader.

The cards, the cards, the cards will tell... )